Get lost in a swordplay scene in Cao Bang bamboo forest

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Get lost in a swordplay scene in Cao Bang bamboo forest

The bamboo forest of more than 30 hectares in Nguyen Binh town makes many tourists feel like they are lost in a scene from a swordplay movie when visiting.

Nguyen Binh town is located in the western tourist route “Exploring Phja Oac – The Mountain of Changes” of the UNESCO Non Nuoc Cao Bang Global Geopark. Besides its unique national cultural identity, Nguyen Binh also possesses many wild and beautiful landscapes.

Recently, Nguyen Binh bamboo forest, also known as Ban Phuong bamboo forest, in Thanh Cong commune, Nguyen Binh district, has become a new tourist destination, attracting many tourists to explore. Bamboo forest is located about 160 km from Hanoi center and about 40 km from Nguyen Binh town.

The forest has a total area of ​​more than 30 hectares, located at an altitude of more than 1,000 m above sea level. Along the road from Nguyen Binh to Bao Lac, the immense green color of bamboo trees fills the eyes of visitors. Bamboo grows on hillsides, along stream banks or reaches up to the sky next to houses with yin and yang tile roofs.

The special thing is that there are no other types of trees in the bamboo forest. The deeper you go into the forest, the more you feel the freshness and coolness of nature, and can hear the sounds of forest birds singing in the early morning or late afternoon.

During a trip to Cao Bang, Hoang Huy Hieu, 25 years old, Nam Dinh thought he “got lost in a scene from some swordplay movie” when he visited Nguyen Binh bamboo forest on December 20.

As a place being exploited for tourism, the road from Nguyen Binh town to the bamboo forest is quite easy to go, spacious, clean and beautiful, and you can travel by car to the place, Hieu said.

To promote the tourism potential of bamboo forest landscape, in 2021, Nguyen Binh district will implement a breakthrough program to build viewing spots and experience bamboo gardens in the Phja Oac – Phja Den region.

The chosen location is a bamboo garden of over 30 hectares in Ban Phuong hamlet, Thanh Cong commune. Infrastructure of concrete roads leading to the bamboo garden, promenades, drainage and sanitation facilities, parking lots, reception houses, viewing huts, photo spots, signposts, and signboards have been repaired and installed. Booking helps visitors conveniently move, visit or stop to rest.

“Regardless of its smaller scale, Nguyen Binh bamboo forest reminds me of Kyoto bamboo forest in Japan,” Hieu said. The cool, fresh atmosphere creates a feeling of relaxation and comfort.

When the sun rises high, sunlight penetrates through the leaves, creating rays of light that shine on the ground, making the forest seem to glow and become more sparkling, Hieu said.

Along the way, there are many check-in corners for tourists who like to take photos. Even bundles of bamboo tied and neatly arranged on the side of the road can give visitors beautiful photos with the green forest in the background.

Nguyen Binh’s climate is in the tropical monsoon region, suitable for bamboo to grow. Since ancient times, bamboo has been associated with people in daily life and production, helping to develop the economy and stabilize life. Currently, bamboo trees also pave the way for tourism development, contributing to promoting the local image to tourists.

“When I step in here, all my worries and worries are dismissed. I just focus on listening to the sound of the wind pushing bamboo branches against each other, slowly walking on the winding paths and inhaling the unique fragrance. symbol of bamboo,” Hieu said.

According to him, this place is a suitable place for tourists looking for peace, temporarily escaping the hustle and bustle of daily life.

If you have the opportunity to come to Nguyen Binh, you should combine the experience of the Western tour “Exploring Phja Oac – The Mountain of Changes” with the following activities: cloud hunting on the top of Phja Oac (photo), visiting tea hills Kolia, salmon farm, bamboo forest, learn about the culture of the Dao Tien people in Hoai Khao village. At the same time, visitors can enjoy delicious dishes and local specialties such as pork sausage, pork belly, and Phja Den dong vermicelli.

($1~24,000 VND)
Photo,Video: Internet (

Get lost in a swordplay scene in Cao Bang bamboo forest
