Gardeners catch pink mandarin “carrying many shoulders”, collecting thousands of dollars more

Compass Travel Vietnam
Gardeners catch pink mandarin “carrying many shoulders”, collecting thousands of dollars more

Many gardeners in Lai Vung, Dong Thap have increased their income by hundreds of millions of dong by opening the door to welcome visitors to the tangerine garden or growing more tangerines in pots for sale during Tet.

Taking care of the Tet tangerine crop

Tangerine is a famous specialty fruit of Dong Thap province because it is harvested on the occasion of the annual Lunar New Year. In addition, pink tangerine has beautiful colors, so it is very popular with many families to display and worship during Tet.

In the Lai Vung district, mandarin oranges are concentrated in Long Hau, Tan Thanh, Vinh Thoi, and Tan Phuoc communes. Currently, farmers are focusing on taking care to harvest and consume tangerines on the occasion of Tet 2023.

Gardeners catch mandarin oranges to carry many roles, collect hundreds of millions of dong more - 1
Mr. Hai Kiet and many gardeners who grow mandarin oranges are looking forward to a good harvest of tangerines and a winning price.

Mr. Luu Van Tin, who has more than 6 workers growing pink tangerines (more than 6,000m2) in Long Hau commune said: “Currently, pink tangerines are in the coloration stage, about 15-20 days to see the beautiful tangerine. Although the tangerine garden has gone through the fruit-dropping stage, this time it is necessary to take good care of the trees, and water and fertilize properly so that the tangerine is beautiful and can be sold at a high price.”

According to Mr. Tin, this year it rained a bit, but farmers actively responded from the beginning, so the fruit trees were not affected; It is forecasted that the family’s garden will reach about 20 tons of tangerines, just need to have the same price as the previous year at 40,000 VND/kg during Tet, then it will win a lot…($1=25,000 VND)

Gardeners catch mandarin oranges to carry many roles, collect hundreds of millions of dong more - 2
Currently, gardeners are focusing on taking care of tangerine gardens to have a good Tet tangerine crop after 2 years of the Covid-19 pandemic.

And Mr. Dang Thanh Lam (who lives in Long Hau commune), said, “My family’s more than 6 mandarin oranges are expected to harvest about 18 tons. The whole family is taking care of the large fruit, beautiful golden shade… to supply the market. schools in Ho Chi Minh City and other provinces in the Mekong Delta on Tet 2023”, Mr. Lam said.

According to engineer Huynh Van Ton – Deputy Head of the Agriculture and Rural Development Department of Lai Vung district, this year the district has about 200 hectares of specialty mandarin oranges, with an expected output of 2,500 tons of fruit.

Through a recent survey, most of the farmers are doing quite well, the weather has not been abnormal and the tangerine is growing, hoping to have a good harvest in the coming Tet. The issue that people are concerned about is the expectation that the price of persimmons is about 40,000 VND / kg or more, which will achieve high economic efficiency.

Farmers catch mandarins “carrying many shoulders”

In recent years, many farmers in the Lai Vung district have been creative and put mandarin trees in pots to sell to people to celebrate Tet. Currently, there are over 10 households growing mandarin oranges in pots to sell Tet.

Farmer Ha Thanh Hong, said, about 3-4 years ago, I implemented a model of planting pink mandarin trees in pots, to sell to people for Tet celebrations. When the pot of mandarin orange went to the market, unexpectedly, many people liked it, even though the price was from 1.5 -3 million VND/tree; even beautiful trees cost up to 7-8 million dong.

Gardeners catch mandarin oranges to carry many roles, collect hundreds of millions of dong more - 3
In recent years, in addition to growing tangerines to sell Tet, many farmers in the Lai Vung tangerine kingdom also know how to put pink tangerines in pots and sell them to people to celebrate Tet.

According to Mr. Hong, this year he planted 130 pots, selling for 1-7 million VND/pot. If all expenses are deducted, he collects hundreds of millions of dong. However, growing mandarin oranges in pots require growers to have experience, especially in handling fruit and shaping mature mandarin trees.

As noted by PV Dan Tri , in recent years, in addition to some gardeners taking care of tangerine gardens to sell the Tet crop, people also know how to combine tourism by cleaning gardens, making more miniatures and opening doors. for visitors to visit.

Gardeners catch mandarin oranges to carry many roles, collect hundreds of millions of dong more - 4
Some gardeners of mandarin oranges also invest in more miniatures, opening the door to welcome tourists to visit the tangerine garden.

Mr. Hai Kiet – a tourist attraction of the persimmon garden in Long Hau commune, said that his house has 6,000m2 of persimmon plantations. In recent years, he has invested more in landscaping, an area for tourists to eat and drink, then, opening the door to sell tickets for visitors to visit when the tangerine starts to turn yellow.

When guests visit the tangerine garden, visitors carefree take pictures and can eat by themselves, then charge. In addition, you can also enjoy some drinks and foods made from tangerines.

Gardeners catch mandarin oranges to carry many roles, collect hundreds of millions of dong more - 5
Every New Year comes, and many young people enjoy visiting the persimmon gardens.

According to Mr. Hai Kiet, in the years before the Covid-19 epidemic, the ticket sales for visitors to the tangerine garden, after deducting his family’s expenses, ranged from 80-100 million VND/year. During this year’s Tet season, he hopes his family earns better because the locality is preparing to hold the Pink Tangerine Festival in early January 2023.

The leader of the Lai Vung District Cultural Office said that so far in the district, there are 8 attractions to visit in persimmon gardens. When people register attractions with the district, they can sell tickets for visitors to enter the gate, but the ticket price does not exceed 50,000 VND/person. From this source of income, helping people have significant additional income in addition to selling the traditional Tet tangerine crop.

Photo: Internet (

Gardeners catch pink mandarin “carrying many shoulders”, collecting thousands of dollars more

Source: vinlove