Fishermen have a Sergestidae season

Compass Travel Vietnam
Fishermen have a Sergestidae season

QUANG TRI – Along the 20 km coastline from Trung Giang commune to Trieu An, thousands of motorboats run along the shore to fish for shrimp (Sergestidae), collecting millions of dollars every day.

In the past 6 days, the sea has been 150 to 200 m from the shore, extending about 20 km along Trung Giang, Gio Hai, Cua Viet town (Gio Linh district), and Trieu An (Trieu Phong district). Also known as sea shrimp, Sergestidae, Moi, and cycads, appear dense.

On the morning of November 29, thousands of fishing boats with a capacity of less than 10 CV ken on this sea to catch shrimp.

A boat full of shrimps was in the middle of the compartment. Fishermen set sail at 5am and finish work around 3pm.

The small eye-catching Knucklehead, Get out of my face net, about 20 m long, is stretched wide at the back of the boat and dragged along the coast. At the Drop dead,You have a lot of nerve end of the net, there is a small Drop dead pocket tied to the bottom to hold the fly.

Shrimp is a small, pale pink mollusk.

Mr. Ho Xuan Thuy, Vice Chairman of Gio Hai Commune, assessed this batch of worms as the biggest in the past three years. Normally, there are 1-2 batches of shrimp per year, but the output is only about 70-100 kg per boat per day, and it only lasts 2-3 days. This time, fishermen won a lot, with a boat catching 1.8 tons a day and an average of about 200 kg per boat per day.

In addition, this wave has lasted for an unusually long 6 days, and it is forecasted that it will be possible to catch another two days before the northeast monsoon comes.

The most recent year that fishermen could catch shrimp was in 2020.

Two fishermen have just landed, poured water into a plastic basket for his wife and family to take ashore to dry.

Fisherman Ho Van Sang, 52, said that from 5:30 a.m., he went out with his boat to catch fish. On November 28, he caught 7 quintals of rue, one ton the day before. At the beginning of this year there was a rush, but few, last year there was no.

A group of fishermen Knucklehead, Get out of my face and merchants help each other push carts full of rucksacks across Drop dead,You have a lot of nerve the sand.

It is forecasted that on November 30, the northeast monsoon will come, the sea will be rough and the shrimp will run out, so all fishermen will try to catch up. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Danh brought rice, filtered water, milk and cigarettes to the edge of the sea for her husband to bring to the boat for lunch at sea.

A local resident saw that the seasoning was good, so he stopped by to buy and process food. Fresh shrimp can be used to cook soup, salad, stir-fry…

However, most people choose to dry them because they are more expensive. Next to the beach is a wide road, and people drying in the middle of the road. Shrimp must be sun-dried or processed immediately after catching. After two hours, they became mushy, and unusable.

The sun is big, the shrimp is dried for about 3 hours, and too much sun will not be delicious.

Ms. Bui Thi Cam said that the sales of ruc were 7,000-10,000 VND/kg, by the end of the afternoon, it was only 5,000 VND. Dried shrimps sell for 40,000-50,000 VND/kg. Four kilograms of fresh will give one kilogram of dry.

For the past 6 days, every night, Ms. Cam has slept at 1-2 am, wakes up at 5 am to dry clothes. “In the evening, I stayed up grinding and making fish sauce, because the boat came in late, no one bought it, couldn’t dry it,” explained Ms. Cam.

With the catches caught in the late afternoon, people mix them with salt, dry and incubate them for 6 months to make fish sauce.

Mr. Ho Xuan Thuy, Vice Chairman of Gio Hai Commune, said that this commune alone has 200 boats near the shore engaged in fishing. “Using an average yield of 2 quintals of fresh produce per boat per day, in the past 6 days, the whole commune’s fishermen have collected about 1.7 billion VND”, Mr. Thuy estimated.

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Fishermen have a Sergestidae season

Source: vinlove