Field specialties only appear when the rice season is ripe, the price is nearly 13$ / kg and everyone likes to buy

Compass Travel Vietnam
Field specialties only appear when the rice season is ripe, the price is nearly 13$ / kg and everyone likes to buy

Tettigoniidae only lives in the wild and is a specialty of the field when the rice season is ripe. Because the quantity is not enough to sell, the price is quite high.

Surely many people living in the countryside also know about the Tettigoniidae. This is an insect, with a pointed head, long body, and yellow-green wings that often appear when the rice season is ripe. The characteristic of Muom Muom(Tettigoniidae) is that it lives entirely in the wild and cannot be raised, so its quantity is very scarce.

Every season when the rice is ripe, the squirrels come back in droves. Children or farmers enjoy food from this insect. A resident in the countryside of Ba Vi, Hanoi shared: ” The taste of Tettigoniidae followed me throughout my childhood. The aroma, that greasy taste is hard to describe in words. Especially, Tettigoniidae doesn’t exist. a lot, so after eating, I always feel hungry, I have to hurry to buy it wherever I see it .”

Field specialties only appear when the rice season is ripe, the price is nearly 300 thousand / kg that everyone likes to buy - Photo 1.

Tettigoniidae is a rustic dish that is loved by many people.

It is a gift of childhood, but now it is also more popular, it is also sold on online markets to serve urban people. However, the selling price is not cheap, ranging from 250 – 300,000 VND per kg. If you want to buy, you have to order quickly to get it because it runs out of stock very quickly.

An online address selling this item said: ” Tettigoniidae is very popular and sold well. Each batch of goods just needs to post an announcement that customers will “order bricks” to buy them all. Those who are late come later. Out of stock, it takes a long time to wait for the next batch of goods. Each time the goods arrive, only about 10-15kg, posted for sale in 1 hour, it will be sold out. This item is very hot, there are customers asking constantly. But only my goods just posted it for sale but didn’t receive it in advance because I don’t know when it will be available to return customers”.

Field specialties only appear when the rice season is ripe, the price is nearly 300 thousand / kg that everyone likes to buy - Photo 3.

Many customers said that they have to compete to buy, even accept expensive prices to buy spoonfuls of food because part of it is to enjoy, more importantly, to want to return to old memories.There are also many men who buy it as bait to drink..

Many customers said that they have to compete to buy, even accept expensive prices to buy spoonfuls of food because part of it is to enjoy, more importantly, to want to return to old memories. There are also many men who buy it as bait to drink.

Currently, it is the rice harvest season, flocks of sorghum fly to the fields in many provinces and cities, especially fields in the mountains and midlands. The later it is, the more mosquitoes appear in flocks, especially in areas with lights and lights. According to research, currently, Tettigoniidae sold on the market are all caught from the wild.

Field specialties only appear when the rice season is ripe, the price is nearly 13$ / kg and everyone likes to buy

Source: vinlove