Famous specialties in Phu Tho cost 7$ / kg, eat fleshy, greasy, and nutritious

Compass Travel Vietnam
Famous specialties in Phu Tho cost 7$ / kg, eat fleshy, greasy, and nutritious

Live silkworms are great nutritious food, with a rich and greasy taste, so many people in Ha Thanh are looking to buy them.

The image of a silkworm releasing its cocoon to weave cloth is very familiar to Vietnamese people. And many people know that silkworm is a great tonic dish, advertised by many sales addresses as better than velvet ginseng, rich in nutrients, so many consumers order to enjoy it.

On the market, live silkworms are sold at prices ranging from 7 to 9$ /kg depending on the type. Particularly for dried silkworms (preliminarily processed through roasting and drying), the price will be twice as high, from 500 to 600,000 VND/kg depending on the type.

Famous specialties in Phu Tho cost 150 thousand / kg, eat with fleshy, greasy and nutritious taste - Photo 1.
Famous specialties in Phu Tho cost 150 thousand / kg, eating is fleshy, greasy and nutritious - Photo 2.

Live silkworms are a great tonic that many people buy. 

Famous specialties in Phu Tho cost 150 thousand / kg, eating is fleshy, greasy and nutritious - Photo 3.

On the market, live silkworms are sold at prices ranging from 150-200,000 VND/kg depending on the type. 

Famous specialties in Phu Tho cost 150 thousand / kg, eat meaty, greasy and nutritious - Photo 4.
Famous specialties in Phu Tho cost 150 thousand / kg, eating is fleshy, greasy and nutritious - Photo 5.

Dried silkworms (preliminarily processed through roasting and drying) will cost twice as much, from 500 to 600,000 VND/kg depending on the type.

A housewife in Hanoi shared: ” In the past, my family used to buy silkworm pupae to eat. But recently, I have switched to buying fresh silkworms because they find it more nutritious and delicious to eat. The price of fresh silkworms I buy fluctuates. from 150 – 200,000 VND/kg will cook 2 meals for a family of 4.

But ordering fresh silkworms is not easy either. My hometown is in Phu Tho, so I asked my family to buy it and send it to Hanoi for me. When I get home from work, I will drive to the station to pick it up. Fresh silkworms are not always available to order. My family usually has to book at least 1 week in advance.

The freshest silkworms must be bought when they are ready, when they are ready to release the silk, they will be greasy. Every time I buy, I usually order from 5kg to pay for shipping. When you get home, keep it in the refrigerator and eat it gradually .”

Famous specialties in Phu Tho cost 150 thousand / kg, eating is fleshy, greasy and nutritious - Photo 6.
Famous specialties in Phu Tho cost 150 thousand / kg, eating is fleshy, greasy and nutritious - Photo 7.

They have to wait until the silkworms are ripe to have their goods, so many families often order in large quantities, or collect orders to buy together to save shipping and waiting time.

A focal point selling fresh silkworms in Phu Tho said that now live silkworms are bought by more people for processing than silkworm pupae. Currently, the output is also very stable, many traders go home to buy it for 150,000 VND/kg. About 200 fish per kg. Customers ordering online is also a lot and the termites take to the market to sell. In total, the family sells about 2-3 quintals per week on average.

However, for customers who order online, they must notify the family at least 15 days in advance so that the ripe silkworms will provide the goods. The characteristic of fresh silkworm finished products when delivered to customers is to ensure that they are still alive and crawling. Therefore, the family will only accept orders from customers who have pre-ordered and return the goods according to the quantity in the announced order. As for dried silkworms, the family is always available, because they are easy to maintain but the price is quite high.

In fact, now fresh silkworms have become a popular dish. Silkworm farmers therefore also switched to raising silkworms for more food. Fresh silkworms can also process many dishes, so the market is always welcomed by customers.

Famous specialties in Phu Tho cost 150 thousand / kg, eating is fleshy, greasy and nutritious - Photo 8.

Live silkworms can soak in alcohol. 

Famous specialties in Phu Tho cost 7$ / kg, eat fleshy, greasy, and nutritious

Source: vinlove