Family in the city. Ho Chi Minh City drove a pickup truck more than 10,000 km across 3 Indochina countries: 45 unforgettable days

Compass Travel Vietnam
Family in the city. Ho Chi Minh City drove a pickup truck more than 10,000 km across 3 Indochina countries: 45 unforgettable days

During 45 days of traveling, a family of 4 in Ho Chi Minh City completed a journey of 10,987km with 200 hours of driving.

The impromptu road across the three Indochina countries

Thu Ha and her husband Khuat Hieu (an architect in Ho Chi Minh City) have a passion for travel. The two children, respectively, aged 8 and 3, have also been able to explore many domestic and foreign destinations from an early age. Up to now, they have set foot in all 63 provinces of Vietnam.

Previously, during a trip to Korea, Ha and her husband used to rent a self-driving car to go out. The two found this to be an enjoyable, safe and experiential form.

In early June, after the two children had just had a summer vacation, the family decided to go through Vietnam to the North to visit Ha’s parents and explore the Northwest region. After drawing the route, Ha and her husband decided to change the return route, so they made the first long, cross-border “road trip” through Laos and Cambodia to make the journey more interesting.

A brilliant summer in the long “road trip” of a family of 4 in Ho Chi Minh City.

Ms. Ha said: ” Actually, when I started planning, I was a bit afraid to try drawing a route of about 7000 km, but because this is a long cherished dream journey of my husband, my wife and children decided to accompany me. Anyone who hesitates to go will see the beautiful scenery and many interesting things, so the whole family is swept along, and then finds it normal to drive for 6-8 hours a day, the two children also quickly adapted to the work. sit in the car long distance, eat, play, sleep and enjoy the view.

During 45 days of traveling all over the world, together we have completed a journey of 10,987km – equivalent to ¼ of the circumference of the earth, 200 hours of driving with many memorable memories “.

The itinerary is both planned and improvised depending on the mood and health of family members. To ensure a long trip, Ms. Ha always ensures adequate rest time for the members.

Family in the city.  Ho Chi Minh City drove a pickup truck more than 10,000 km across 3 Indochina countries: 45 unforgettable days - Photo 2.

The 45-day journey of Ha’s family has just experienced.

The experience trip was divided into 5 independent stages by Ms. Ha: the first leg (9 days) from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi; leg 2 (11 days) visits some Northeast provinces; leg 3 (7 days) to explore some Northwest provinces; stage 4 (4 days) to experience the Northern Delta; leg 5 (14 days) through Laos (Luang Prabang, Vientiane, Kaysone Phomvihane, Pakse), Thailand (Mukdahan), Cambodia (Siem Reap, Phnom Penh) and then back to Ho Chi Minh City.

Sharing about the journey of more than 10,000km, Ms. Ha further confided: ” For her family, where there are all family members, there are fathers and mothers, that place is home. And “home” is not Shouldn’t it be the safest place for the kids?For me, taking my kids with me every trip comes naturally, I don’t consider it a difficult thing to try to overcome.

Perhaps there are many people who often hesitate to travel with their children because they are too young. But how long does it take for the child to be “old enough” to accompany his parents? Parents’ lives revolve around their children, but children’s lives also revolve around their parents .”

The couple also understand that travel is a parent’s hobby, not a child’s choice, so both always try to respect the child’s needs to harmonize with the family’s trip. If you like the cows by the roadside, we will stop the car for you to see; if you like to play in the sand and bathe in the river, we are willing to stay longer to play with you, even if it means that it will be late at night. back to the hotel.

Conversely, if the child does not like a certain place, even if the parents like it, they will quickly end the visit. In addition, Ms. Ha also prepared some compact toys for the children to play in the car during the journey.

45 days of precious experience

At the beginning of the trip, Ha’s family simply picked up their luggage and left, without thinking or expecting anything. But when they returned, they all felt extremely satisfied.

Family in the city.  Ho Chi Minh City drove a pickup truck more than 10,000 km across 3 Indochina countries: 45 unforgettable days - Photo 3.

The 45-day experience makes the whole family extremely satisfied.

Family in the city.  Ho Chi Minh City drove a pickup truck more than 10,000 km across 3 Indochina countries: 45 unforgettable days - Photo 4.

Stopover in Luangprabang, Laos.

Family in the city.  Ho Chi Minh City drove a pickup truck more than 10,000 km across 3 Indochina countries: 45 unforgettable days - Photo 5.

Explore Angkor Temples


Family in the city.  Ho Chi Minh City drove a pickup truck more than 10,000 km across 3 Indochina countries: 45 unforgettable days - Photo 6.

Stop at Siem Reap.

Ms. Ha excitedly: ” Walking along the length of the country, feeling the change in scenery, climate, architecture, people, indeed, Vietnam’s culture and nature is so rich and diverse. broke down when reaching the top of Ma Pi Leng – Ha Giang, was amazed by the beauty of Ban Gioc waterfall, Lenin stream, was proud to set foot on Fansipan peak – the roof of Indochina, checked in at the North Pole point. Lung Cu flagpole) and the southernmost point of the country (Mui Ca Mau), were satisfied when visiting historical sites that were only known through poetry and books,…

Laos impresses me with its cool climate, majestic and unspoiled natural scenery, and “no speed limit” roads that are worth experiencing for backpackers. Cambodia with its Angkor culture makes me extremely admire, the way they do tourism and heritage preservation is also very professional.”

Ms. Ha boasted, the oldest child is in primary school – the age to start getting acquainted with knowledge of history, geography and literature. Children are very excited to be able to visit many places they learn at school as well as look through books and newspapers. Returning home just in time for the new school year, she was very eager to return to school to tell her teachers and friends about her summer journey.

Family in the city.  Ho Chi Minh City drove a pickup truck more than 10,000 km across 3 Indochina countries: 45 unforgettable days - Photo 7.
Family in the city.  Ho Chi Minh City drove a pickup truck more than 10,000 km across 3 Indochina countries: 45 unforgettable days - Photo 8.
Family in the city.  Ho Chi Minh City drove a pickup truck more than 10,000 km across 3 Indochina countries: 45 unforgettable days - Photo 9.
Family in the city.  Ho Chi Minh City drove a pickup truck more than 10,000 km across 3 Indochina countries: 45 unforgettable days - Photo 10.
Family in the city.  Ho Chi Minh City drove a pickup truck more than 10,000 km across 3 Indochina countries: 45 unforgettable days - Photo 11.
Family in the city.  Ho Chi Minh City drove a pickup truck more than 10,000 km across 3 Indochina countries: 45 unforgettable days - Photo 12.

Some other pictures from the 45-day trip of Ms. Ha’s family.

Photo: Internet

Family in the city. Ho Chi Minh City drove a pickup truck more than 10,000 km across 3 Indochina countries: 45 unforgettable days

Source: vinlove