Explore Na Tenh Cao Bang Pass with 20 beautiful and captivating bends in the Northeast

Viet Nam is not a war, Viet Nam is the country
Explore Na Tenh Cao Bang Pass with 20 beautiful and captivating bends in the Northeast

Na Tenh Cao Bang Pass with 20 beautiful bends, passing through the most impressive scenery of the Northeast mountains of our country, brings unforgettable experiences to travelers.

Where is Na Tenh Pass?

Perhaps Na Tenh Cao Bang Pass is still a new name to many tourists, especially those who rarely travel to the Northeast region of our country. However, this is an extremely beautiful pass, located on the same route of the 15-storey Khau Coc Cha pass. Along with Me Pia Pass, Khau Coc Cha Pass,… Na Tenh Pass contributes to creating a special mark for tourism in this province. 

Where is Na Tenh Pass in Cao Bang?Na Tenh Pass is located on the same road as Khau Coc Cha Pass. Photo: @litch_paragon

This 20-turn pass belongs to Can Nong commune, Ha Quang district, bordering Xuan Truong commune, Bao Lac district, Cao Bang province. If you go from Ha Giang to Cao Bang, after passing Khau Coc Cha, you will encounter this beautiful, majestic and poetic pass. Although not too famous and not known to many people, the beautiful scenery of Na Tenh Pass makes tourists fall in love. 

Na Tenh Cao Bang Pass with 20 bendsNa Tenh Pass belongs to Ha Quang district. Photo: Le Thanh Binh 

This pass was built along the vertical direction of Coc Cha mountain, with a total length of about 2.5 km. However, this pass is still in the top 10 most dangerous passes in Vietnam, no less than Ma Pi Leng, Khau Pha, Pha Din or O Quy Ho . If you have the opportunity to travel to Cao Bang, you must definitely conquer this pass once to see how valuable youth is. 

The captivating beauty of Na Tenh Cao Bang pass 

Na Tenh Cao Bang Pass is known as the most beautiful pass in this province, appearing with a majestic, majestic, yet natural and wild beauty. Looking down from above, this famous pass looks like a zigzag road, like a long stretch of soft silk weaving through rice fields, corn fields and peaceful small houses of indigenous people. 

Na Tenh Cao Bang Pass is beautiful and beautifulThe beauty of Na Tenh pass when viewed from above. Photo: Tung Duong (reatimes) 

Although the pass is not too long, it curves softly, forming 20 bends, passing through beautiful scenery of Cao Bang. Both Na Tenh and Khau Coc Cha are the “pass kings” of this land, because when driving on the pass, you will enjoy the captivating beauty of Bao Lac and Ha Quang districts. 

Na Tenh Cao Bang Pass passes through many impressive beautiful scenesNa Tenh Pass passes through many rice fields, corn fields, and villages. Photo: Tung Duong (reatimes) 

Many tourists traveling to Cao Bang who have had the opportunity to experience this pass share that the bends on the pass are not too dangerous, there are not many sharp turns. As long as you drive carefully, this is a relatively easy pass. In particular, on both sides of the pass are peaceful, poetic scenes of rice fields, houses,… bringing peace and relaxation to tourists on the journey to conquer Na Tenh. 

Na Tenh Cao Bang Pass is beautiful in any seasonThe beauty of Na Tenh Pass is no less than any other pass in the northern mountains. Photo: Tung Duong (reatimes) 

Na Tenh Cao Bang Pass is quite flat, suitable for riding bicycles, motorbikes or cars. You can drive on the pass while looking at the endless terraced fields, green corn fields and in the distance are magnificent, majestic rocky mountains. All four seasons here are beautiful, but the most beautiful is still the autumn when the rice is ripe and shiny. 

Na Tenh Pass in Cao Bang is extremely attractiveWhen traveling to Cao Bang, remember to explore Na Tenh pass once. Photo: Tung Duong (reatimes) 

Many tourists share that you should go to Na Tenh Pass in September – October. This is the time when the terraced fields on both sides of the pass are ripe and shiny, painting a poetic and gentle picture of the landscape. From the pass, you can comfortably admire the scenery and stop to take beautiful check-in photos along the way.

Na Tenh Cao Bang Pass is like a silk strip between the mountains and forestsThis pass is beautiful from any angle. Photo: Le Thanh Binh 

If you come here during the summer from May to July every year, you will see the fresh green colors of the corn fields running along both sides of the pass. Interwoven into that fresh green color are the peaceful small houses of the local people. That simple, rustic yet endearing scene makes people forever remember the journey. 

Note when exploring Na Tenh Cao Bang pass

As the most beautiful pass in Cao Bang , Na Tenh has become an attractive name for tourists. Although not too dangerous, you still have to be extremely careful when driving on the pass because there are up to 20 curves waiting for you to conquer. You should not go to the pass in the rainy season because the road can be slippery, easily causing accidents for people with little driving experience. 

Na Tenh Cao Bang Pass attracts many tourists to exploreIf you have the opportunity to visit Cao Bang, remember to experience this famous pass. Photo: Le Thanh Binh 

You can approach this pass from Ha Giang or Bac Kan. If traveling from Bac Kan, you go through Na Phac – Ngan Son intersection, turn onto Road 279 – continue with Provincial Road 212 and go another 50 km to Nguyen Binh. On the way from Bao Lac to Nguyen Binh, you will experience the beautiful and famous Na Tenh pass. 

Exploring Na Tenh Cao Bang pass, you need to be very carefulYou should drive carefully when exploring this pass. Photo: Le Thanh Binh 

To take check-in photos at Na Tenh Pass, you should bring a camera or flycam. Flycam helps you observe the entire pass from above, fully seeing the soft, gentle beauty of the pass. If you don’t have a flycam, you can still keep many beautiful photos throughout the trip if you cleverly choose a good angle to take photos. 

Explore Na Tenh Cao Bang pass once and you will remember it foreverOnce you conquer this pass, you will forever remember its beautiful scenery. Photo: Le Thanh Binh 

It can be said that Na Tenh Cao Bang Pass is a beautiful road that visitors will regret if they miss out on conquering. So if you are about to return to Cao Bang for a vacation, definitely visit Na Tenh once to fully experience the beautiful scenery of our country’s Northeast. 

Photo,Video: Internet (Vinlove.net)

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Explore Na Tenh Cao Bang Pass with 20 beautiful and captivating bends in the Northeast

Source: vinlove