Experiences you should try in Kon Tum on the occasion of April 30, make sure to go all the way

Compass Travel Vietnam
Experiences you should try in Kon Tum on the occasion of April 30, make sure to go all the way 

If you are tired of the noisy, busy life full of smoke and traffic of the city and want to enjoy a trip full of experiences, breathe fresh air in the peaceful space of the big place, then go Come to Kon Tum, one of the HOT Hit tourist destinations for the upcoming 30/5-1/5 holiday. 

Kon Tum has long fascinated believers by the vast sky, the green forests of the great place. However, this land of the North Central Highlands is not only the mountains and forests of villages, it also has a lot of interesting things waiting for you to discover and the experiences you should try in Kon Tum on the occasion of April 30 below will be: Great suggestions for you to enjoy a fun trip. 

Experiences you should try in Kon Tum on April 30

Kon Tum, a great country for the “escape” trip on April 30. Photo: @miaoo_.

Check out the list of experiences you should try in Kon Tum on the hot occasion of April 30, you should not miss it 

Check-in beautiful architectural works 

Kon Tum city has many beautiful and unique architectural works, especially famous architectural works here have special cultural interference as well as show the beauty of local culture. 

Right in Kon Tum city, you can visit and check-in a series of famous architectural works with unique features. The first is the wooden church, the beautiful church is a delicate combination of European architecture with the traditional architecture of the local people. 

Experiences you should try in Kon Tum on April 30

Wooden church, famous check-in point of Kon Tum. Photo:@teola_do_.

>>See more: The virtual living places in Kon Tum are shimmering, not everyone knows  

Next will be the Kon Klor communal house, which is considered a “treasure” and is the pride of the people here.Kon Klor communal house is designed entirely from traditional local materials such as bamboo, Bamboo, wood, leaves, paintings show traditional beauty rich in identity with elaborately carved patterns. 

Experiences you should try in Kon Tum on April 30

Kon Klor communal house is bold with the identity of the Central Highlands. Photo:@hothienngaaa_

Right near the Kon Klor communal house is the suspension bridge of the same name spanning the legendary Dak Bla river. Check-in the suspension bridge and walk to enjoy the pristine spaciousness of the great place is an experience you should try in Kon Tum on the occasion of April 30 that you should not miss. In addition, in the center of Kon Tum city, there is also the Bishop ‘s Palace , a super hot destination that is invited by believers to check-in because of its beautiful architecture. 

Experiences you should try in Kon Tum on the occasion of April 30

Kon Klor suspension bridge crosses the legendary Dak Bla river. Photo: Ton Nu Khanh Linh

Experiences you should try in Kon Tum on the occasion of April 30

Kon Tum Bishop’s Palace. Photo: @biziibee_Y

Discovering Mang Den – “Da Lat” of Kon Tum 

Exploring Mang Den is an experience you should try in Kon Tum on the occasion of April 30 because this is the tourist capital of this highland country. In Mang Den you will enjoy the fresh air, pine-filled paths, flower-filled wooden houses, waterfalls, or immense mountains.

Experiences you should try in Kon Tum on the occasion of April 30

Mang Den is as beautiful and poetic as Da Lat. Photo:@nanghomestaymangden.insta_

This country is as beautiful as Da Lat but much more peaceful, there is no hustle and bustle, but here only beautiful nature and warm people. Coming to Mang Den on this occasion of April 30, you can check-in the majestic Pa Sy waterfall, check-in in the middle of the pine forest, trekking to discover Chu Mo Ray. If you are lucky, you can enjoy the wonderful feeling of hunting clouds that is not inferior to Da Lat. In addition, Mang Den also has many specialties worth trying such as chicken with lam rice water, sturgeon hot pot… 

Experiences you should try in Kon Tum on the occasion of April 30

Pa Sy Waterfall is picturesque. Photo:@phuongvyy07_

Experiences you should try in Kon Tum on the occasion of April 30

If you are lucky, you can hunt clouds floating in the fairyland. Photo:@mang-den-_the_phan__Experiences you should try in Kon Tum on the occasion of April 30Mang Den sturgeon hot pot. Photo:@pilougramm_

Rowing soup in Dak Bla River 

For many believers, this will be a new thing, but rowing on the Dak Bla River is an experience you should try in Kon Tum on the occasion of April 30 that you should not miss because of the extremely interesting feeling. Dak Bla River is not only a nostalgia for generations of Kon Tum people when far from their hometown, but also an attractive destination for travelers from far away.

Experiences you should try in Kon Tum on the occasion of April 30

Rafting on the Dak Bla River is a new experience in Kon Tum. Photo:@outdoor2

Besides admiring the view of the banks, the experience of rowing sup on this river is chosen by many tourists even though it has just appeared for a short time. The feeling of being floated in the middle of a legendary river, watching the banks with the fields of cultivation or the peaceful highland city will be something you will remember forever. 

Experiences you should try in Kon Tum on the occasion of April 30

This experience will make you extremely excited. Photo:@outdoor

Enjoy the specialty leaf salad 

Surely this is an experience you should try in Kon Tum on the occasion of April 30 that will make you nod satisfied because leaf salad is Kon Tum’s own specialty with a different and unique taste. If in other regions the salad is made from familiar vegetables, in Kon Tum, the salad will be made from forest leaves, not just a few types, but from 30 to 70 different types of leaves.

Experiences you should try in Kon Tum on the occasion of April 30

Kon Tum leaf salad is an extremely famous specialty. Photo: Mai Huong

In particular, some types of leaves used for this dish are only available in Kon Tum, such as bamboo leaves, red prongs, brooch leaves, great compassion… Most of these leaves grow in deep forests, so harvesting also very difficult, leaf composition will be seasonal, spring the number of leaves for salad will be more. The salad is served with shrimp and meat that is processed very elaborately along with a cup of dipping sauce specially made from wine wort.

Experiences you should try in Kon Tum on the occasion of April 30

The way to roll salad to eat is also very special. Photo:@lyyurifooddrink_

The taste of leaf salad is very attractive with the combination of many types of leaves, shrimp meat and especially the dipping sauce that makes you more addicted to eating. Traveling to Kon Tum on this occasion of April 30, if you want to eat leaf salad, you can visit restaurants such as Ut Cung, New Vitality, Yen Vy on Tran Cao Van Street. 

With the above suggestions to try in Kon Tum on April 30 , your trip will be memorable and complete. This festival do not hesitate to “date” with Kon Tum to fall in love and be enchanted with the liberal and free beauty of the wonderful land. 

Photo: Internet

Experiences you should try in Kon Tum on the occasion of April 30, make sure to go all the way 

Source: vinlove