Experience visiting the war remnants museum in Saigon

Compass Travel Vietnam
Experience visiting the war remnants museum in Saigon 

Visiting the War Remnants Museum in Saigon, visitors will learn about the re-enacted vestiges of the nation’s struggle for independence. The following useful experiences will help you have a visit to the museum when traveling to Saigon to the fullest.

About the War Remnants Museum  

War Remnants Museum is located on Vo Van Tan Street, District 3, Saigon. Previously, the museum used to be a temple called Khai Tuong built under the Nguyen Dynasty. Experiencing many times of repairing the pagoda that was demolished by the French colonialists and building a hospital, a lawyer’s office, a villa, then a museum-like today. 

The museum was built on September 4, 1975, designed with all 8 exhibitions and special themes each year. By visiting the War Remnants Museum, visitors will be able to witness firsthand the images and artifacts of the nation’s struggle in the period 1945 – to 1975 which are reproduced in the most vivid way. Thereby, you will see the sacrifices and losses of the main victims who are family members, children, and women. Along with the stubborn struggle and always aspiration to win national sovereignty of our army and people.
 Visiting the War Remnants Museum - where is the address?War Remnants Museum is an attractive place for tourists when coming to Saigon

How to get to the War Remnants Museum?

War Remnants Museum in Saigon is about 9.4km from the city center and about 6.6km from Tan Son Nhat International Airport. Therefore, you can choose from many different ways to get to the museum. Specifically as: 

– By plane: For those in Hanoi or Da Nang area, the most convenient way is to go by plane to Saigon, then take a taxi or motorbike taxi to the museum for about 50,000 VND – 60,000 VND. 

– Bus: You can also take a bus from Hanoi, central provinces, or nearby to go to Saigon bus station and take a motorbike taxi to the war remnants museum. 

– Bus: From the Eastern bus station you can take route 14 or from Ben Thanh market there is bus route 28, from Cho Lon bus station there is bus line 06 going through the museum.

– Taxi, motorbike: If you have traveled to Saigon and want to visit the war remnants museum , you can follow Cong Hoa Street for about 18 minutes or Truong Chinh and Cach Mang Thang Street for about 22 minutes. museum.
 Visit the War Remnants Museum - how to get thereHow to get to the War Remnants Museum?

Ticket price and opening time of war remnants museum 

Ticket prices to visit the War Remnants Museum are as follows:

– Foreign tourists: 15,000 VND/person/time

– Vietnamese tourists: 2,000 VND/person/time

Note : For those who are armed forces, veterans, students, students and senior officials will receive a discount of 50 – 100% of the ticket price. Free of charge for wounded soldiers, families of martyrs, people with meritorious services to the country, children under 6 years old and children in remote areas. 

Opening time on all days of the week, including the New Year holidays. From 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Visiting the War Remnants Museum - ticket priceBuy tickets to visit the war remnants museum

What is there to visiting the War Remnants Museum?

Visiting the war remnants museum, you should note that the museum is very large and divided into many different zones. So, first of all, you need to learn about the museum map and choose for yourself the most suitable sightseeing areas. Here is a specific map when visiting the museum you can refer to:
 Visiting the War Remnants Museum - DiagramVisitors should check the map before visiting the museum

Ground floor area 

The first is the ground floor area of ​​the museum, which is a place to visit and take pictures with stories about Agent Orange patients or the Vietnam war world. All artifacts are displayed in glass cases. Currently, the museum is displaying about 20,000 artifacts and important documents to attract visitors. Visit the War Remnants Museum - ground floorThe museum is an international tourist attraction. Photo: baonguoilaodongVisit the War Remnants Museum - what's on the ground floorArtifacts are recreated at the War Remnants Museum

1st floor area

What does the War Remnants Museum have? The next stop is the 1st-floor area including the ticket counter, the World Support Vietnam Resistance Room, and the multi-purpose room. On the first floor, there is also a gallery of tiger cages – which was a miniature prison that used to hold revolutionary soldiers in Con Dao. Visiting this area, visitors will be able to witness firsthand the brutal torture of the US imperialists towards our communist soldiers. In addition, the first-floor area is also a place to display wartime artifacts such as tanks, planes, cannons… Visit the War Remnants Museum - 1st floorThe tiger cage area on the first floor of the museum images of the war are recreated at the museum

Prisoners’ cells

Visiting the war remnants museum, visitors can also explore the most realistically recreated prisoner detention area. All the cells are only about 5 square meters in size, with no windows, no beds, or light. Thereby, visitors partly understand the miserable and deprived life of our army and people when imprisoned in the two wars between France and America.Visit the War Remnants Museum - PrisonThe prison scene at the War Remnants MuseumVisit the War Remnants Museum - PrisonWar Remnants Museum is a place to witness the crimes of the enemy

Notes when visiting the War Remnants Museum

You should also know a few notes below when visiting the Saigon War Remnants Museum: 

– If you go on weekends or Tet holidays, you should arrange your time to go early to avoid wasting time queuing to buy tickets.

– Because the museum has quite a large space, so you should go in the morning to see more. 

– Do not arbitrarily touch the artifacts in the museum. 

– Do not take pictures in areas with signs on the museum premises. 

– You can hire a guide to be introduced to the museum in detail. 

– For groups of tourists or students, it is necessary to contact the museum in advance to buy tickets in advance. 

– Combine visiting famous places near the museum such as: Turtle Lake , Le Thi Rieng park…

– Address of delicious restaurants near the museum: Quan Thuc Coffee, Dong restaurant,… 

Hopefully, the information shared above will help you have a meaningful visit to the Saigon War Remnants Museum . Do not forget to save your Saigon travel experiences to get more useful information when you have the opportunity to visit the city named after Uncle.

Photo: Internet

Experience visiting the war remnants museum in Saigon 

Source: vinlove