Easy spots to successfully hunt clouds in Da Lat

Compass Travel Vietnam
Easy spots to successfully hunt clouds in Da Lat

To see the sea of ​​clouds floating in Cau Dat tea hill, Lang Biang peak, Du Sinh hill… you must be there before the sun rises.

Da Lat has a cool mountain climate all year round, so you can easily see fog and thin clouds hovering right in the city. But to see the thick white clouds, you will have to go further from the center, to the high hills where the clouds cover you.

Cau Dat tea hill is the most popular tourist attraction. It is quite far from the city center, about 25 km, but the way to Cau Dat is easy, you can ride a motorbike to the place according to the map.

In addition to the place where you can watch floating clouds, which is a wooden bridge to hunt clouds, you can also visit attractions around the Cau Dat area such as the Cau Dat fan area, the strawberry garden or cafes overlooking the tea hill.

Pinhatt is a mountain peak located in the Elephant Mountain cluster near Tuyen Lam Lake. From the Da Tien tourist area, you have to walk about 3 hours to reach the top of the mountain. Pinhatt Peak is still unspoiled, the road is quite difficult, so if you plan to conquer this route, you should have locals with you, or find a tour guide to guide you.

From the top of Pinhatt, you will have a panoramic view of the valley and Tuyen Lam lake hidden in the morning mist.

Hon Bo Hill is a familiar and easy-to-go place for those who want to hunt clouds in Da Lat. From the city center, you go to Huynh Tan Phat Street, you will see the campsite, when you reach the fork to turn up the hilltop trail, you have to climb a rather steep slope to reach the top of Hon Bo.

The dawn at Hon Bo creates a romantic scene with floating clouds and a brilliant red-orange array of early morning sunlight.

From Du Sinh Hill , you will be able to see the panoramic view of Da Lat in the morning mist. Du Sinh Hill is about 5 km from the city center. You follow Huyen Tran Cong Chua Street, through the Cemetery of Du Soc, and have to climb a rather steep slope to reach the top of the hill.

The sea of ​​clouds began to appear before dawn on the top of Du Sinh hill.

Da Phu Hill is also a beautiful and familiar place for many Dalat travel lovers . Da Phu Hill has located about 10 km from the center, quite easy to go.

To reach Da Phu hill, from the center of Da Lat city, you go in the direction of Ankroet, turn right onto Da Phu street, then follow alley 1 Da Phu will see the slope to walk up Da Phu hill.

Hunting clouds at the top of Lang Biang is a difficult route because you have to climb from the foot of the mountain to the top of Nui Ba, it takes about 3-4 hours depending on your physical condition. The trekking road to LangBiang is steep and quite narrow, and can be slippery in the rainy season.

The best time to hunt for clouds is the moment just before sunrise. Rolling clouds as thick as the sea will cover the whole city.

Experience from Uyen Trinh, a 9X girl who moved here because she loves Da Lat, said that spring and summer are easy to have beautiful clouds. Because autumn often rains a lot, and winter is windy, easy to blow clouds away. To know if it’s cloudy early in the morning, you need to pay attention to the weather. If it is sunny in the morning, rainy in the afternoon, or in the evening with thick dew, leaves and flowers are wet with dew, the next morning there are usually thick and beautiful clouds. Because the time to hunt clouds is quite early, 4-5am, you need to pay attention to keep warm, wear a jacket to avoid dew. In addition, if the road to hunt clouds requires walking or climbing, it is necessary to prepare suitable shoes.

Image: Uyen Trinh

Easy spots to successfully hunt clouds in Da Lat

Source: vinlove