Durian exported abroad increased to a record price, farmers immediately profited billions

Compass Travel Vietnam
Durian exported abroad increased to a record price, farmers immediately profited billions

After the Lunar New Year, the price of durian exported to China increased gallopingly, at times the purchase price at the barn reached more than 200,000 VND/kg. Tien Giang farmers suddenly made billions of profits.

Before the Lunar New Year , farmers in the western provinces began to harvest durian in the opposite season. From 70,000-80,000 VND/kg, the price of Ri6 durian, Dona skyrocketed to 130,000 to 210,000 VND/kg but traders are still “red eyes” searching. ($1=24,000 VND)

Record selling price

Mr. Huynh Tan Loc – Director of Ngu Hiep Cooperative (Cai Lay District, Tien Giang) said that after 10 years of operation, he has never seen durian fruit at such an attractive price.

Currently, Ri6 durian is priced at 130,000-140,000 VND/kg, Dona durian is from 170,000 to 180,000 VND/kg. This is the purchase price of durian grade 1, grade 2 for export.

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Tien Giang farmers are excited because durian prices have increased (Photo: Bao Ky).

According to Mr. Loc, in previous years, the price of durian out of season ranged from 60,000 to 80,000 VND/kg, the highest was about 115,000 VND/kg (cut in the garden). By 2020, the influence of saltwater intrusion will result in durian crop failure. In 2021, because of the epidemic, the consumption of this specialty fruit is also slow, sometimes only 35,000 VND/kg. 

“From July 2022, thanks to the signing of the Protocol on Official Durian Export to China, the price of this item has changed. On the other hand, at this time, Thailand has no durian, so China is still consuming it. This is also the reason why durian prices continue to increase, “said the Director of Ngu Hiep Durian Cooperative. 

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Durians that are considered good quality have an average weight of about 4-5kg and are from 4 compartments. These fruits are classified as grade 1 and grade 2 for export (Photo: Bao Ky).

Despite the high price, Mr. Loc said that he still had difficulty in purchasing because durians out of season were very rare. Cooperatives have to buy in many provinces in the Mekong Delta to collect enough quantities to close export shipments. In the near future, there will be 2 more fruit harvests, at the beginning and end of February of the lunar calendar.

“In order to have durian ripe at this time, farmers have to make cotton from July to August of the lunar calendar. At that time, it rained a lot, making it difficult for durian to pollinate, and the fruit setting rate was low,” explained Mr. Loc. 

It is known that Ngu Hiep Durian Cooperative currently has 102 members with a production scale of 191ha. Durian sold at a good price, so the members of the cooperative were very excited. 

An instant profit of billions

Having 6 workers (equivalent to 6,000m2) of land, cultivating 150 Ri6 and Dona durian roots, Mr. Nguyen Van Trieu (43 years old, a member of Ngu Hiep Durian Cooperative) said that this fruit crop, after deducting all costs, he made about 1.2 billion dong. 

“Compared to other crops, durian is more difficult to cultivate, but so far, durian cultivation has rarely suffered a loss, if the price is reduced to 50,000 VND/kg, it will still be… well, except in 2020 due to a drought, so the tree will lose money. much harm.

Currently, the price of durian is 3 times higher than last year, I am very happy. Hopefully this price will be maintained so that people can make more profits,” said Trieu. 

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With 10 tons of durian waiting to be sold, Mr. Trieu estimated a profit of over 1 billion VND (Photo: Bao Ky).

According to Mr. Trieu, each durian tree in his garden has 40-45 fruits, yielding 200kg/tree. In this case, he is expected to harvest 10 tons of fruit, which will be covered by the cooperative. 

Nguyen Van Hanh excitedly said that since the day he planted durian according to the standards for export, his family’s economic life has changed. The care process, the time of fertilizing, spraying, and isolation are all recorded in the monitoring book. 

“The cultivation and production techniques are closely guided and managed. Even at the export and sale stage, I am very assured. In the past time, the price of agricultural materials has increased, but now the price of durian has increased so it should compensate. Over and over, there is still a good profit,” said the farmer U80. 

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Old farmer Nguyen Van Hanh was excited when he grew durian for more than 30 years, seeing such a high price for the products purchased and exported to China for the first time (Photo: Bao Ky).

By the end of 2022, the durian area in Tien Giang province will reach more than 17,600 hectares. In which, there is more than 10,500 ha of durian in the fruiting period, the average yield is 26.4 tons/ha, and the output is 278,249 tons. The number of durians distributed in localities including Cai Be district, Cai Lay district and Cai Lay town. 

According (Dan Tri)

Durian exported abroad increased to a record price, farmers immediately profited billions

Source: vinlove