Doi Nhai Beach Vung Tau – the ideal place to cool off this summer!

Compass Travel Vietnam
Doi Nhai Beach Vung Tau – the ideal place to cool off this summer!

Not as noisy and bustling as Front Beach or Back Beach, Doi Nhai Beach in Vung Tau fascinates visitors with its wild beautiful scenery and clear blue sea ideal for summer relaxation and camping.

Where is Doi Nhai beach located in Vung Tau? 

Doi Nhai Beach is located in Ward 11, City. Vung Tau, right next to the romantic Co May river mouth. This is a beautiful unspoiled beach and has not yet been developed much in terms of tourism. Doi Nhai Beach in Vung Tau is quite shallow, with crystal clear blue water and fine white sand. 

Doi Nhai Beach is an ideal destination for those who do not like the noise. The sea water here is quite shallow and especially in the receding season you can walk to the sea with a distance of 1km. Doi Nhai Beach becomes a destination that attracts families and groups of friends on weekends when traveling to Vung Tau .

Doi Nhai Beach Vung Tau is an attractive weekend camping site for touristsUnspoiled and peaceful scenery at Doi Nhai beach. Photo: thueleugiare

When is the best time to go to Doi Nhai beach? 

Traveling to Doi Nhai beach or any beach, you need to choose the right time to go to have the most complete trip. The best time to explore Doi Nhai beach in Vung Tau is from November to April next year. Or the time after Tet is about 10-15 days. This is the best time to explore the beauty of Nhai Hill.

When to go to Doi Nhai Beach Vung Tau?Admire the beautiful sunrise at Doi Nhai beach. Photo: appojuize_

How to get to Doi Nhai Beach? 

Doi Nhai Beach is far from the city center. Vung Tau is about 4km, so you can choose many different means of transport to move to. If you want to actively travel, it is best to travel by motorbike or rent a car for 100,000 VND – 200,000 VND/day. Starting from the city center. Vung Tau, you follow route 3/2 and you will see a sign to turn to Doi Nhai beach. 

>> The road to Doi Nhai beach is quite curvy, so you should keep your hands on the steering wheel when moving to ensure safety.

How to go to Doi Nhai Beach Vung Tau?How to move to Doi Nhai beach from the city center Vung Tau

What does Doi Nhai Beach in Vung Tau have? 

What’s so beautiful about Doi Nhai Beach in Vung Tau ? This is an ideal destination for families, groups of friends or backpacking. What attracts visitors when coming to this beach is the wild beauty and not much human impact. The scenery is poetic and peaceful, with the sound of waves crashing.

Discover the Beach of Doi Nhai Vung TauCheck-in virtual living with friends at Doi Nhai beach. Photo: phambangnhi92

Doi Nhai beach is quite shallow and due to sand accretion, normally there are very few visitors, but on weekends it is quite crowded with young people coming to play and camp. Exploring Doi Nhai beach, visitors will be able to see the long sandy shore, cool fresh air.

Bathing at Doi Nhai Beach Vung TauTake a cool bath and have fun with friends at Doi Nhai beach. Photo: ahalong

Although the sea water at Doi Nhai beach is not as clear as Back Beach , it is very clean. The sandy shore is wide and especially when the tide recedes, Doi Nhai beach in Vung Tau appears with a beautiful scene suitable for relaxation and virtual living. Besides swimming, you can also participate in many attractive sports games at Doi Nhai beach such as kite flying, windsurfing, sailing with friends.

Camping at Doi Nhai Beach Vung TauOrganize camping with friends at Doi Nhai beach. Photo: chothueleucamtrai

The area above Doi Nhai beach is a spacious poplar forest suitable for camping, barbecue and dining. At night, the scenery at Doi Nhai beach is beautiful and romantic, and enjoy the cool breeze to relax after stressful and tiring working days. Perhaps the best moment to admire the beautiful scenery at Doi Nhai beach is the beautiful romantic sunrise.

What to do at Doi Nhai Beach Vung Tau?Join surfing in Doi Nhai beach. Photo: anchoivungtau

fly kites at Doi Nhai Beach Vung TauFly kites at Doi Nhai beach in Vung Tau. Photo: ahalong

Camping schedule at Doi Nhai beach 2 days 1 night 

Day 1: 

10h: Depart from Saigon to Vung Tau via the Long Son route or National Highway 5. However, the advice is that you should go to Long Son road, it will be closer to about 2km, less cars and easy to find roads. 

13:00: Going to buy food and seafood at the sea. 

14h: Find the way to Doi Nhai beach Vung Tau to bathe. There is a hut here, if you do not want to camp, you can eat and drink and enjoy the beautiful romantic sea view. 

16h: Go to catch snails and cuffs.  

6pm: Cook dinner.

21h: Go to the sea to enjoy the wind and admire the scenery. 

22:00: Go to bed.

Camping at Doi Nhai Beach Vung TauCamping and grilling food at Doi Nhai beach. Photo: Tinhte

Day 2: 

6am: Get up early to watch the sunrise. 

8:00am: Go to catch snails, ride a Jeep on the sand, spread a net to catch fish… 

10h: Depart for Saigon. 

Jeep ride at Doi Nhai Beach Vung TauRide a Jeep to explore the terrain at Doi Nhai beach. Photo: 2trip

Notes when going to Doi Nhai beach in Vung Tau 

Discovering Doi Nhai beach, you should also “pocket” the following notes: 

– You should check the weather forecast before going to avoid rainy days that will affect the trip. 

– Regarding means of transportation, if you do not know the way or do not drive firmly, you should hire a taxi. 

– The service at Doi Nhai beach has not been developed, so you should bring your own personal belongings, tents, food and drink … 

If you are looking for a place with peaceful beauty in Vung Tau to relax after a stressful working day, then Doi Nhai beach Vung Tau is the ideal destination. Come on, let’s form a team of friends!

($1=24,000 VND)
Photo: Internet (

The post Doi Nhai Beach Vung Tau – the ideal place to cool off this summer! first appeared on Compass Travel Vietnam.

Doi Nhai Beach Vung Tau – the ideal place to cool off this summer!

Source: vinlove