Disillusioned with “black gold”, people massively planted bitter flowers, earning 400 million VND

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Disillusioned with “black gold”, people massively planted bitter flowers, earning 400 million VND

In recent years, people in Ia Blu commune (Chu Puh district, Gia Lai) have massively switched to growing roses, after failing with pepper. Many people are not afraid to invest in expanding their area.

The land of Ia Blu commune in particular and Chu Puh district, Gia Lai became devastated, the land was abandoned when the white pepper epidemic swept through in 2018. Pepper trees died, due to debt, and many people left for the cities. Big city for business.

After the Covid-19 epidemic, people from big cities returned to Ia Blu commune to find economic development from agricultural crops. In times of difficulty, many people have boldly converted dead pepper areas and vacant land to planting roses.

After the death of pepper, many households in Chu Puh district massively switched to growing rose flowers (Photo: Pham Hoang).

These days, Mr. Nguyen Van So (Luong Ha village, Ia Blu commune) is busy hiring people to harvest his 7-hectare flower farm.

Mr. So said that in 2007, he moved from his hometown of Thai Binh to Gia Lai to grow pepper. Seeing the high price of pepper, Mr. So boldly borrowed more than 3 billion VND and invested in planting 4 hectares of pepper. As soon as the pepper tree was harvested, a mass death occurred, causing the family to lose all their investment. From failure, Mr. So continued to search for suitable plants on the dead pepper area.

Initially, people have gained high economic profits from the flower tree (Photo: Pham Hoang).

“I have long had experience growing roses in my hometown. When I came to Gia Lai, I experimented and found that this plant was suitable for the soil, so I boldly replicated the model. I also invested in more processing machinery, harvesting flowers,” Mr. So shared.

According to Mr. So, Hoa Hoa is a plant grown for its flowers. About 10 months after sowing, the tree begins to harvest. This plant is easy to care for and can be harvested all year round.

According to people, Hoi An is a plant that brings high value and is easy to care for (Photo: Pham Hoang).

Currently, rose flowers are priced at 80,000-90,000 VND/kg dry. Last season, Mr. So harvested more than 5 tons. After deducting expenses, Mr. So earned a profit of nearly 400 million VND. It is expected that this year, the flower garden will reach 7-8 tons.

On average, each flower area yields 3-4 tons of dried flowers, earning about 250 million VND/year. Depending on the time, this income level may increase.

Because it is a new plant, the output of people’s rose plants is not stable (Photo: Pham Hoang).

“The tree is very easy to care for, on average it only needs to be fertilized once a year with manure. In particular, the plant has few pests and is drought-resistant, so there is almost no need to use any additional fertilizers. I also hope the government will research research to help people connect and find stable output,” Mr. So confided.

Similarly, Mr. Nguyen Van Sy (Phu Ha village, Ia Blu commune, Chu Puh district) started growing Hoa Hoa plants in 2016. Seeing the new type of plant, Mr. Sy was also careful and did not grow it widely.

After many years of care and harvesting, Mr. Sy’s family has collected hundreds of millions of dong per hectare. From then on, Mr. Sy boldly switched to specializing in cultivating rose flowers. His family owns about 7 hectares of flowers.

“Hoa flower plants produce year-round harvests and are many times more profitable than other plants grown in the area. For many years now, I have been connected with a number of essential oil factories for sale. I also hope for units to The association can research and build a factory to create stable output for people right in the raw material area,” Mr. Sy said.

With the advantages of being easy to grow and quick to bring in income, in just a short time, the area planted with rose flowers in Ia Blu commune increased by nearly 70 hectares. Faced with the lesson of planting pepper trees in a big way and then leading to widespread epidemics, the local government of Ia Blu commune is also worried about the flower tree.

Ia Blu commune authorities advise people not to develop massively, but to intercrop and find a stable outlet for the flower tree (Photo: Pham Hoang).

Mr. Nguyen Ba Hoanh Thien, Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Ia Blu commune, Chu Puh district, said: “Up to this point, the commune’s total area planted with rose flowers is nearly 70 hectares. With a price of nearly 90,000 VND/kg, compared to Plants in the area, flowers are bringing people high income.

However, local authorities also advise people not to massively plant or monoculture hibiscus plants. Accordingly, people should plant intercropping and multi-cropping of many types of plants. At this time, there is no official unit to purchase and ensure stable prices for rose plants.

($1=24,000 VND)
Photo,Video: Internet (Vinlove.net)

Disillusioned with “black gold”, people massively planted bitter flowers, earning 400 million VND
