Discover ‘Small stories in the heart of Lon Market’ with destinations nearly a hundred years old

Compass Travel Vietnam
Discover ‘Small stories in the heart of Lon Market’ with destinations nearly a hundred years old

With the tour ‘Small stories in the heart of Lon Market’ in District 6, visitors will visit Binh Tay market built in 1928, the village of casting Buddha statues for nearly a hundred years passed down through 4 generations, or enjoy famous dishes.

On the morning of October 22, the People’s Committee of District 6 (HCMC) launched the tour “Small stories in the heart of Lon market “. This is a tourism product that follows the development strategy of the City People’s Committee that each district, district and Thu Duc city has at least one tourism product .

Attending the program were Ms. Phan Thi Thang – Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City, Ms. Bui Thi Ngoc Hieu – Deputy Director of the Department of Tourism of Ho Chi Minh City and representatives of departments, agencies and sectors.

Ms. Le Thi Thanh Thao, Chairwoman of the People’s Committee of District 6, said that the district has the advantage of monuments, food, entertainment, places with a long history, history associated with the Vietnamese and the Chinese.

“ District 6 – Small stories in the heart of Lon market will take visitors to places with a long history, attractions, and entertainment and enjoy Chinese cuisine that meet the basic requirements of sightseeing services. , experiences for tourists”, shared Ms. Thao.

Discover 'Small stories in the heart of Lon Market' with destinations nearly a hundred years old - photo 1
The noodle cart is a familiar and recognizable image of Chinese cuisine. The car is decorated with glass paintings and images of old fairy tales. The most famous person painting glass on a noodle cart is artisan Luong Chi Bang, the owner of the famous Tan Hue glass painting house in the Saigon – Cho Lon area.VU PHUONG
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Hu Tieu Hoa appeared in Saigon with the immigration of the Tieu people (Tieu Chau). They call it cross neck (hu tieu), the original meaning: rice noodles. The original dish was prepared quite simply: fresh noodles made from rice flour served with pork bone broth, sliced ​​or minced pork, added a little onion, chives, bean sprouts… The dish is as simple as that but also makes many customers satisfiedVU PHUONG

Accompanying in the tour launches of some districts during the past time, Ms. Phan Thi Thang, Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City commented that each product launched has been carefully cared for and invested. , each locality has found its advantage to make a difference.

According to the Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City, localities that are cherishing in addition to announcing their products can also announce inter-district tours such as: District 6 combined with District 5, District 11 into a route tour to the Market. Great. Localities also make up a set of tourism resources such as when going to District 6, if you like to eat Chinese food, where to go, where Vietnamese food will go to exploit not only tour guests but also solo travelers and guests. self-sufficient…

According to the schedule from Penguin Company, visitors will enjoy breakfast at Huynh Gia noodle soup, sightseeing in Thao Duong Thien Tu, visit the traditional Chinese revolutionary house, explore Binh Tay market, have lunch. In Gia Phu Fujian, visit the village of casting Buddha statues nearly hundred years old, admire Giac Hai pagoda…

Discovering 'Small stories in the heart of Lon Market' with destinations nearly a hundred years old - photo 3
The noodles here are different from the noodles in other places because of the special processing method and the traditional secret that has long created a highlight in the hearts of diners. The most attractive bowl of mixed noodles here is the ingredients: shrimp, fish, chicken, pork ball, char siu, especially the sweet and delicious broth.VU PHUONG
Discover 'Small stories in the heart of Lon Market' with destinations nearly a hundred years old - photo 4
Located in an alley near Giac Hai pagoda is a Buddha statue making village that is nearly a hundred years old. This is the place to make quite rich and diverse works, from the statue of Shakyamuni Buddha sitting on the lotus throne, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Universal Hien, Maitreya, Dharma protector to statues of famous people…VU PHUONG
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Ms. Pham Thi Hong Chau (48 years old) learned a trade from the age of 12. Her family has now had 4 generations in the profession of making Buddha statues. According to Ms. Chau, making a Buddha statue helps her feel comfortable and light. The most difficult thing when making a Buddha statue is the face, often with large statues when making a product, if it is not good, she works hard to fix it.VU PHUONG
Discover 'Small stories in the heart of Lon Market' with destinations nearly a hundred years old - photo 6
To make a statue, depending on the size and size, the worker must work hard from 10 days to a month, even a few months. The products made here are mostly Buddha statues such as: Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Shakyamuni Buddha, Maitreya Buddha, Amitabha Buddha…VU PHUONG
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Giac Hai Pagoda was formed in the late 19th and early 20th centuriesVU PHUONG
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Previously, Thao Duong Thien Tu was located on Hung Vuong Street, District 6, on the bank of Ong Bong canal with an area of ​​about 900m2 Later, thanks to the support of Buddhists and the contribution of the Chinese community and overseas Vietnamese near and far, Thao Duong Thien Tu was restored more spaciously and widely at the present address 184 Tran Van Kieu. (P.10, District.6)VU PHUONG
Discover 'Small stories in the heart of Lon Market' with destinations nearly a hundred years old - photo 9
The new Thao Duong Thien Tu was officially inaugurated on September 27, 2019 with an area of ​​​​up to 10,000m2 . The temple has bold Chinese architecture combined with Vietnamese culture to create a work of aesthetic and architectural value to the Chinese community.
Discover 'Small stories in the heart of Lon Market' with destinations nearly a hundred years old - photo 10
From the end of 1968 to before April 30, 1975, the house number 91 Pham Van Chi Street (Ward 1, District 6) used to be the living and working place of Comrade Tran Bach Dang – in charge of the inner city Party Committee and an officer. Commander of the Front Command during the 1968 Mau Than general offensive and uprising, comrade Mai Chi Tho – Standing member of the Saigon – Gia Dinh City Party Committee and a number of leaders of the Hoa Vang Department. After April 30, 1975, the owner of the house donated the house to the State and was officially named “Ho Chi Minh City Chinese Revolutionary Traditional House”.VU PHUONG
Discover 'Small stories in the heart of Lon Market' with destinations nearly a hundred years old - photo 11
The profession of making broomsticks has appeared for more than 40 years, however, the oldest people do not remember when the profession existed. Only know that the profession originates from the people of Duc Pho district, Quang Ngai province, when they migrated to the South, they brought their profession in their hometown to Ho Chi Minh City to establish a career and develop into a broom village.
Discover 'Small stories in the heart of Lon Market' with destinations nearly a hundred years old - photo 12
Nearly 100 years of establishment, the Binh Tay market today has grown quite monumentally in terms of scale, as well as types of goods. Although supermarkets and commercial centers have sprung up, this place still retains the position of a leading large wholesale market in Ho Chi Minh City.
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The Fujian culinary school is very special because of the sophistication of the menu and the elaborate preparation. Some ingredients are processed in a special way

Discover ‘Small stories in the heart of Lon Market’ with destinations nearly a hundred years old

Source: vinlove