Discover Binh Lieu – “Small Sapa” with a series of stunningly beautiful wild places in the heart of Quang Ninh

Compass Travel Vietnam
Discover Binh Lieu – “Small Sapa” with a series of stunningly beautiful wild places in the heart of Quang Ninh

About 270km from Hanoi, Binh Lieu is an attractive “copy” for those who want to travel to Sapa but are “afraid” of the long distance.

Binh Lieu is a mountainous district located in the northeast of Quang Ninh province. This place is likened to “miniature Sapa” not only because of its diverse topographical structure, and cool and fresh climate, but the natural landscape is still very wild and poetic. Moreover, this borderland also possesses the unique culture of ethnic minorities such as Dao, Tay, San Chi…

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Photo: Tony Manh, Dao Thuy Linh


To get to Binh Lieu, you can travel by many means such as cars, motorbikes, or buses. If you are in Hanoi, you can take a car along the Hanoi – Hai Phong highway. At the end of the highway, you continue to go towards Quang Ninh, then stop at Ha Long intersection. From City. In Ha Long, you follow Highway 18 and then go to Highway 18C to continue to Binh Lieu.

If you are in Ho Chi Minh City and the provinces inside, then the plane is the right vehicle for you to choose. From HCMC, you fly to Van Don. Then you take the bus to the city center. Ha Long. From here, you can choose to continue by car in Bai Chay – Binh Lieu province or rent a motorbike in Ha Long to move to Binh Lieu.

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Discover Binh Lieu -

Photo: Nguyen Duc Cong


Each season, Binh Lieu is attractive in its own way. Coming here in the spring, visitors will be able to see flowers such as truffles, flowers, ban flowers… blooming all over the mountain slopes and have the opportunity to participate in special highland festivals. In summer, Binh Lieu is cool and pleasant with rolling waterfalls, very suitable for swimming.

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Photo: @vietthien

In the fall, the meadows of reeds bloom along the two sides of the road to the landmarks, creating a very romantic scene, and attracting visitors to stop and take pictures. In winter, Binh Lieu is beautiful and attractive with the freezing cold. If you are lucky, you will see layers of ice covering the branches and grass, forming a very beautiful sight.

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Discover Binh Lieu -
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Binh Lieu conquers tourists thanks to its picturesque natural scenery with a mild and fresh climate. Here are some extremely attractive destinations in Binh Lieu that you should not miss.

Milestone 1305

Located on the Binh Lieu border patrol road, landmark 1305 is one of the two landmarks located at the highest position in Quang Ninh. To get here, you need to cross the long and steep mountain ridge, known as the “dinosaur spine”. The road to landmark 1305 is quite difficult but very beautiful. Standing at this ridge, looking out into the distance gives you a feeling of relaxation, peace and smallness like being lost in the vast and majestic space of heaven and earth.

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Around the seemingly endless stretch of stairs is an immense green of grassy hills. It is this peaceful, green beauty that has helped the “dinosaur spine” become a “hot” symbol of “virtual living” in Binh Lieu.

Milestone 1297

Located in Luc Hon commune, landmark 1297 is about 30km from the center of Binh Lieu district. Coming here in October and November every year, you will have the opportunity to see the endless fields of reed grass as beautiful as clouds. The white reeds fluttering in the sun, covering the mountainsides, add to the poetic and unreal beauty of this border region.

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Discover Binh Lieu -

Photo: khi.dien.dan

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Khe Van Waterfall

Khe Van waterfall is more than 1000m above sea level. Originating from the Khe Van mountain range – Thong Chau, the white waterfall flows from above, blending with the color of the sun, and becoming strangely shimmering. The majestic waterfall with large rocks lying prostrate on both sides of the wall, covered with green moss, creates a cool, extremely relaxing scene.

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With rich and lush vegetation, Khe Van Waterfall is the ideal place for you to enjoy the natural mountain scenery, immerse yourself in the cool stream, breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the feeling of relaxation. mood release.

Goryeo Mountain

With an altitude of about 1000 meters above sea level, Goryeo Mountain is an ideal place for you to admire the magical harmony of heaven and earth, breathe in the fresh air, camp and relax with your family. , friend. Because of its proximity to the sea and the difference in altitude, most of the time the mountains are foggy. However, when going to the mountain on clear days, visitors can still see the sea.

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Photo: @nganlollie, @nahthw

In addition, coming to Binh Lieu, you should visit places such as Binh Lieu ancient village, Cao Xiem, Na Lang suspension bridge, Dong Van love market, Keo Lan mountain … to learn about the interesting cultural features of the Dong. cell.

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Coming to Binh Lieu, you should enjoy delicious and cultural specialties such as Binh Lieu black chicken, Binh Lieu stir-fried pho, colored sticky rice, black filling, coco-mo cake… You’ve tasted it, but there are sure to be dishes you’ve never even heard of.

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Binh Lieu stir-fried pho, black filling, black chicken and colorful sticky rice.

Discover Binh Lieu – “Small Sapa” with a series of stunningly beautiful wild places in the heart of Quang Ninh

Source: vinlove