Dalat restaurant served by zipline

Compass Travel Vietnam
Dalat restaurant served by zipline

Restaurant staff carries a tray of grilled chicken and uses a 45m long zipline to bring food to the dining table for customers.

A newly opened restaurant on Trieu Viet Vuong Street, Da Lat City, has the form of serving dishes by zipline. The restaurant covers an area of ​​2,000 m2, and can accommodate about 600 people, with indoor and outdoor seating. Only outdoor tables are served by zipline. The slide is about 45 m long, the highest point is 4.5 m and the endpoint is more than 2 m, there is a wooden platform for the staff to land conveniently.

Tra My, who lives in Da Lat, went to the shop on April 20, and told her that she had watched the performance twice and found it very interesting, especially once the staff member caused the chicken to fly out due to an incident.

The dish is served still hot and decorated in the pose of a flying chicken. The price of the chicken dish is 290,000 VND. Diners will shred the chicken themselves and serve it with avocado bread. Tra My also enjoys hot pot with sweet and sour vegetable broth.

“In Da Lat, there are many restaurants with a variety of dishes, but the idea of ​​performing flying chicken here is new and attracts young people like me,” I said.

Tran Thi Minh Ngoc, 33 years old, the owner of the restaurant, was surprised when the video of the flying chicken demonstration was widely shared.

She said that the idea of ​​​​designing the restaurant and the dish originates from the nomadic life that she has seen during her travels. Minh Ngoc deploys this form of service to create a newness for the restaurant.

“On the first slide on an opening day, the employee accidentally dropped the chicken, but everyone was happy. After the video was shared a lot, everyone was more motivated to work,” Minh Ngoc said about the falling incident. chicken.

The zipline only takes place at a certain time each day and currently only grilled chicken is available on the slide. On weekends, the shop has extra performances at 20:30, besides the daily time frame at 18:30.

Dalat restaurant served by zipline

Source: vinlove