Come to Lach Khanh Vinh stream to fall in love with peaceful green nature

Compass Travel Vietnam
Come to Lach Khanh Vinh stream to fall in love with peaceful green nature

As one of the most beautiful streams in Nha Trang, Lach Khanh Vinh stream with its clear nature, full of green leaves will be an attractive stop for the summer trip.

Khanh Hoa not only has long coastlines or paradise islands but also has countless attractive natural tourist attractions and Lach Khanh Vinh stream is one of such destinations. Perhaps for many people, Lach stream is still relatively unknown because this is not a prominent destination on the Khanh Hoa displacement map, but for locals or tourists who love to explore nature, This place is very popular. Exploring Lach Khanh Vinh stream,visitors will surely be amazed by the wild, fresh beauty and peaceful scenery.

Go to Lach Khanh Vinh stream Lach Khanh Vinh Stream is an attractive natural destination in Khanh Hoa. Photo: @eco_retreat

Where is Lach Khanh Vinh Stream? The road to Lach stream 

Suoi Lach possesses an attractive and wild beauty that is not inferior to other famous landmarks such as Ta Gu waterfall or Yang Bay waterfall. This attractive tourist spot is located in the west of Nha Trang city, about 50km from the center, in the territory of Yang Ly commune of Khanh Vinh mountainous district. This stream originates from Trau stream, when it comes to Yang Ly commune, it is called with many different names, some people call it Yang Ly after the name of the commune, some people call it Lau stream, others call it. Ma Gia stream is named after the person who found the stream and exploited its beauty for tourism. The name Lach stream is relatively common, the origin of this name comes from the characteristics of the stream, when it flows through it, it weaves into small branches.

Go to Lach Khanh Vinh stream Suoi Lach is also known by the locals with many different names. Photo: Review Nha Trang

From Nha Trang city to Lach Khanh Vinh stream, visitors run in the direction of Lung bridge of Dien Lach district to the area of ​​Lung bridge junction, then turn right and move in the direction of Da Lat about 50 km. The road to Lach Khanh Vinh stream is relatively far and difficult to find, so when crossing the suspension bridge or overflowing bridge, you can ask the locals to move correctly to avoid getting lost.

There is a clear Nha Trang in Lach stream 

Lach Khanh Vinh stream owns a very beautiful wild beauty, the scenery here is almost kept intact, not too much renovated like other tourist destinations. The deeper you go inside the stream, the more fascinated visitors will be by the majestic nature with the appearance of countless species of forest trees from palm, rattan, bamboo, macaque, to horizontal and vertical rocks. to a very beautiful and peaceful space.

Scenery of Lach Khanh Vinh stream The wild beauty of Lach stream is an attraction for tourists to come. Photo: @kutu1989.

The water in Lach stream is so clear that you can see the shadow and at the bottom are countless pebbles of various sizes and colors. In the sunlight, visitors can admire the sparkling stream surface and the very eye-catching silver-like stones. On this stream, there are also small pools full of pebbles where visitors can take a dip and swim to their heart’s content. The air at Lach Khanh Vinh stream is very fresh, so visitors here can comfortably relax and immerse themselves in the true nature.

Scenery of Lach Khanh Vinh stream Coming here, visitors will be immersed in the true nature. Photo: @happiii9

Experience in Lach stream, don’t miss it 

Listen to the sound of Ma Gia 

Coming to Lach Khanh Vinh stream, visitors will be extremely interested in the sound like the enchanting stream of a special set made by Mr. Ma Gia himself. The set consists of 9 stones connected together by forest rattan rope, the largest rock is as big as a big table and the smallest one is only the size of two adult hands. To make a sound, use a trough to let water flow from the stream to the rock, the baby rock will call first, the mother rock will call after, and it is necessary to pull the string so that the rocks rub against each other to create a sound. Although there is no sophistication and sophistication, the sound of the Ma Gia lute is something very unique, typical of the mountains, the sound is clear, gentle, and extremely enchanting.

Experience in Lach Khanh Vinh streamSuoi Lach has a very special rock band that Gia. Photo: @n__thuy

Stop at the huts 

In Lach Khanh Vinh stream , simple huts are scattered under the forest canopy, this is the place for tourists to rest and watch the beautiful mountain scenery. The hut is built from bamboo and palm leaves, so it brings a very rustic space, close to nature and extremely cool. On these trees, there are baskets of wild orchids blooming brightly. In the huts, visitors can bring all kinds of food and drinks to open a party, enjoy dishes with bold flavors of the mountains in the midst of great nature or organize epic BBQ parties.

Experience in Lach Khanh Vinh streamStopping at huts to enjoy delicious dishes and specialties is an experience not to be missed. Photo: FB/Suoi Lach Resort

Explore Edu . Falls 

Visiting Lach Khanh Vinh stream, visitors should not miss the opportunity to explore the beautiful Edu waterfall. This waterfall is located upstream of Lach stream and above this waterfall there is another bigger waterfall. Looking from a distance, Edu waterfall with alternating water flowing like a bright piano key in the middle of the jungle, because it is located in the middle of the old forest, apart from the sound of the red waterfall and birds, there is no other sound to create a very relaxing feeling. At the foot of the waterfall is a large lake, beside the lake there is a very beautiful pebble beach where visitors can swim and enjoy the scenery.

edu waterfall in Lach Khanh Vinh streamEdu Waterfall is an attractive check-in point in Lach stream. Photo: Huynh Quoc Viet

Fun schedule for reference in Lach stream 

Most visitors to Lach Khanh Vinh stream often have fun during the day, if you visit for the first time and do not know how to arrange your time, you can refer to the schedule to explore Lach stream below. 

7:30 am: Start from Nha Trang city and move 

9:30 am: Arrive at Lach Khanh Vinh Stream 

10:00: Send the car and choose a suitable hut location to rest and prepare for cooking. If you bring fresh food to make a BBQ, you should prepare your food early. 

10:30: Cook water, arrange food.

Itinerary to discover Lach Khanh Vinh streamThe schedule to explore Lach Khanh Vinh Spring usually takes place during the day. Photo: Suoi Lach tourist resort

11:30: Enjoy food, chill out, relax and take a lunch break 

13h00: take a bath in the stream and soak in the clear water, discover stops near Lach stream, Edu waterfall… 

15h00: Pack up your luggage, clean the hut and start moving back to Nha Trang 

17h00: Arrive in Nha Trang city and say goodbye.

Lach Khanh Vinh stream

If you have time, you can explore the destinations around Suoi Lach. Photo: Suoi Lach tourist resort

Notes when visiting Lach stream for visitors 

Lach Khanh Vinh Stream is a beautiful natural destination, visitors coming here will surely fall in love with the wild nature full of birdsong mixed with the murmuring sound of the beautiful stream. However, visitors also need to pocket useful experiences to have a complete trip. 

First, you should go with a group, family, friends … more crowded than going alone because going to the stream will surely make crowded friends more fun and convenient when experiencing activities. 

You should take the initiative to leave early to avoid the hot sun on the road, so prepare all the necessary items for convenient use from food, drink, insect spray to sunscreen, camera or backup charger. room… Especially, don’t forget to bring your bathing suit because Lach spring is cool and clear coming here if you don’t take a bath, it will be a pity.

Itinerary to discover Lach Khanh Vinh streamIt is recommended to bring bathing suits to soak in the cool water of Lach stream. Photo: Suoi Lach tourist resort

Although there is no fee at the Lach Khanh Vinh stream , when checking-in here, visitors can send the owner a small amount to help them preserve as well as have funds to maintain other service activities.

Coming to Lach Khanh Vinh stream to enjoy the pristine space of mountains and beautiful streams, the fresh air will definitely be a wonderful healing journey where you will always feel relieved and peaceful. 

Photo: Internet (

The post Come to Lach Khanh Vinh stream to fall in love with peaceful green nature first appeared on Compass Travel Vietnam.

Come to Lach Khanh Vinh stream to fall in love with peaceful green nature

Source: vinlove