Christmas Alley attracts young people to check in in Saigon

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Christmas Alley attracts young people to check in in Saigon

In recent days, young people from all over invited each other to alley 561 Pham Van Chieu Street, Go Vap District, to take photos to celebrate Christmas.

Alley 561 Pham Van Chieu Street, Go Vap, Ho Chi Minh City, was donated by people in the Rosary neighborhood to decorate to welcome Christmas. People here said that the alley was decorated for nearly a month.

Alley 561 is about 500 m long and people decorate about 100 m of the alley end. On both sides of the alley are recreations of the Jerusalem city wall, where Jesus was crucified.

The alley is decorated with many lights and plastic maple leaves covered with snow-white paint to create a Christmas atmosphere.

Although it is not yet the weekend, many young people still come to the alley to visit and have fun.

The statue of the Virgin Mary holding Jesus is decorated at the end of the alley. This is a symbol with profound meaning for Catholics that represents the love, sacrifice and loyalty of Mother Mary to Jesus. Below the statue of the Virgin Mary is a cave that recreates the scene of Jesus’ birth

Decorative walls along the two alleys, the facades of the houses are hidden to make the alley more vibrant.

Dressed as Santa Claus and standing next to the grotto to sell balloons to children, Mr. Nguyen Van Sang said this is his annual activity. “I sell to earn extra income, but I’m happy, and the children are happy,” Mr. Sang said.

After work, two friends, Nguyen Thi Thanh Thao and Ha Thi Thanh Truc, went from District 12 to Go Vap to celebrate Christmas. “I saw my friends sharing it on social networks so I came to check it out,” Thao said.

The alley attracts many young people to come to take photos.

A family brought their young children to the alley to preserve the Christmas moment.

Ms. Hanh Nguyen (left) commented that the Christmas atmosphere in the alley is “very fun, bustling” and “nowhere else like it”. The people who created this project “really have the heart” to guide everyone to a cozy and peaceful Christmas.

People here say that every year the alley is decorated splendidly with many lights and bright colors. The closer Christmas gets, the more people park in the alley.

Photo,Video: Internet

Christmas Alley attracts young people to check in in Saigon
