Check in to Ngam Quan Son village – a beautiful and attractive community tourism destination in Thanh Hoa

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Check in to Ngam Quan Son village – a beautiful and attractive community tourism destination in Thanh Hoa

Ngam Quan Son village in Son Dien commune, located deep in the highlands of Thanh Hoa province, is described as a unique rough pearl with pristine beauty and attractive indigenous culture. Not just a regular tourist destination, but also a unique experience of community tourism, where you can explore the lives of people and the characteristics of traditional Thai culture.

Some details about Ban Ngam in Quan Son

Ban Ngam is located on the poetic and majestic Luong River in Son Dien commune, Quan Son. With wild beauty, covered by green forest. Visitors coming here will experience the unique experience of community tourism. In addition to the fresh, peaceful air and pristine landscape, people can also relax in the clear blue stream water and rest in beautiful traditional stilt houses, imbued with highland culture. 

Ngam Quan Son village - destinationPhoto: @Thanh Hoa

At the same time, you can also enjoy many delicious, strange and attractive dishes such as: charcoal-grilled stream fish, uoi soup, bamboo-tube rice, can wine, etc. The slow and flexible melodies and dances are also Cultural beauty makes your relaxing days in this village more interesting.

Ngam Quan Son village - culturePhoto: @luongthivan0011

Ban Ngam has implemented an attractive community tourism project. Many families in the village have invested in houses and also purchased necessary items to serve tourists. Currently, there are more than 20 households participating in community tourism activities and they work closely together to provide the best experience for visitors to Thanh Hoa .

Ngam Quan Son village - community tourismPhoto: @baothanhhoa

Instructions to go to Ban Ngam Quan Son

To get to Ban Ngam, you need to travel about an hour by motorbike from Son Lu town. On the way from Son Lu to Ngam village, you will experience winding roads along the border and dense forests. At dawn, Ngam village glows with traditional Thai stilt houses and cool high mountain air. 

Ngam Quan Son village - routePhoto: @tuanlinh284

Traditional stilt houses sleep under a thin layer of summer mist, creating a cool space typical of this land. You can choose to go by personal vehicle or take a bus to Quan Son and then continue to Ban Ngam in Quan Son Thanh Hoa .

Ngam Quan Son village - travelPhoto: @hathigiangqsth1

Experience in Ban Ngam

Thanh Hoa travel experience , Ngam village in Quan Son is not only a tourist destination, but also an attractive community tourism experience. Visitors will discover the natural beauty and unique culture of the Thai people and participate in interesting activities in a peaceful and close environment. This is definitely a great destination for those who love community tourism and want to learn about the lives and culture of local residents.

Ngam Quan Son Thanh Hoa tablePhoto: dulichthanhhoa

When you come to Ban Ngam, you will experience the unique features of the life and culture of the local people. Activities include:

– Enjoy unique cuisine:

At Ban Ngam, people will experience the unique culture of the local people through special Thai dishes such as charcoal-grilled stream fish, boiled soup, or indulge in leaf-fermented can wine. .. This provides a great opportunity to discover unique local flavors and understand more about the daily life of local people.

Ngam Quan Son village - cuisinePhoto: @anhviet0386

– Joyful cultural exchange: 

When evening falls in Ngam Quan Son village, Thanh Hoa , headlights shining from the street will deeply engrave the shadows of trees and flowers, creating a peaceful and pleasant space. This is also the time when visitors can enjoy the typical Xoe and Khat dances of the Thai people with flexibility. Create a unique cultural beauty, making the trip more interesting and memorable.

Ngam Quan Son village - cultural exchangePhoto: @quanson.thanhhoa

– Fun, relaxing picnic: 

Visitors can relax by bathing in the water flowing from the stream source, and participating in fishing activities on the Luong River. Or you can also participate in scooping shrimp and fish at the stream, creating a unique experience and being close to nature as well as learning more about the lives of local people.

Ngam Quan Son village - discoveryPhoto: @dangcongsan

Quan Son tourist attractions near Ban Ngam

1. Bo Cung Cave

This Thanh Hoa tourist destination is located more than 100km west of the city, is an attractive tourist destination in the mountains and forests of Quan Son district with pristine and majestic beauty. To get to Quan Son and visit Bo Cung Cave, you can follow roads such as Highway 217, Ho Chi Minh Highway, Highway 47 and Highway 15. Convenient transportation helps people travel by many different types of means. 

Ngam Quan Son village - Bo Cung cavePhoto: @vietnamhoinhap

Bo Cung Cave is located in Chanh village, Son Thuy commune, discovered in 2008, with the entrance located halfway up the mountain. After being discovered, Bo Cung cave has become an attractive tourist destination thanks to its majestic beauty. With a length of about 1km, this cave has many different tunnels, some of which are large enough to build a large building.

Ngam Quan Son village - Bo Cung cavePhoto: @thanhhd.ig

In addition, there are countless stalactites with all colors and unique shapes such as Buddha images, sky pillars, eagles, chandeliers in magnificent castles and even flowing streams of hair. length of girls in their twenties. If you come to this tourist destination near Ngam Quan Son village on summer days, you will feel a very pleasant coolness like in an air-conditioned room.

Ngam Quan Son village - Bo Cung cavePhoto: @thanhhd.ig

2. Na Meo international border gate

Na Meo has become an attractive destination for tourists for a long time. From Mai Chau you can go through Quan Son and then to Hua Phan – Laos easily. At Na Meo international border gate, you can also visit the “Lao revolutionary capital” Vieng Xay and then through Sam Nua to Xieng Khouang to start your journey on the famous heritage road of Laos. 

Ngam Quan Son village - Na Meo border gatePhoto: @huyenquanson

When you come to Na Meo, you will not be able to help but be impressed by the majestic beauty of the mountains and forests, large and small rocks and clear blue streams with undulating landscape. Everywhere are towering mountains and primeval forests that stand out against the blue sky. 

Ngam Quan Son village - Na Meo border gatePhoto: @vietship

In recent years, Na Meo has not only been an important focus in the socio-economic development of Quan Son district but also plays an important role in ensuring security and defense of Thanh Hoa province and the whole country. Vietnam. This has positively contributed to short-term and long-term cooperation with the Lao People’s Democratic Republic as well as other countries in the region.

Ngam Quan Son village - Na Meo border gatePhoto: @minblvck

3. Hard Bridge

Hard Bridge is a unique and attractive tourist destination not inferior to Ngam Quan Son village . This place attracts tourists because of the wild beauty of nature and unique architecture, which not only has environmental but also historical value. Surrounded by a cool river and green mountains, Cau Hard creates a majestic and peaceful space, attracting tourists who want to come to enjoy the fresh space and escape the pace of urban life.

Ngam Quan Son village - Hard bridgePhoto: @bachhoaxanh

The unique architecture makes this bridge special. Built of wood and stone, the bridge combines traditional beauty and sturdiness. The design is simple but no less impressive and beautiful, creating a unique and attractive picture in the surrounding landscape.

Ngam Quan Son village - Hard BridgePhoto: @quanson.thanhhoa

Ngam Quan Son village is located in the middle of a vast green forest, where the scent of cinnamon roses and chrysanthemums blend to create a unique and seductive fragrance. The beautiful and majestic natural landscape of Ban Ngam with the poetic Luong River promises to create an unforgettable special point in your journey.

($1~24,000 VND)
Photo,Video: Internet (

Check in to Ngam Quan Son village – a beautiful and attractive community tourism destination in Thanh Hoa
