At the end of the year, experience the extremely fruity purple breast milk garden in Can Tho, while eating and picking fruit to bring back

Compass Travel Vietnam
At the end of the year, experience the extremely fruity purple breast milk garden in Can Tho, while eating and picking fruit to bring back

December is considered an ideal time to experience this special fruit of the West.


Phong Dien is a district under the territory of Can Tho city, the eastern borders with Ninh Kieu and Cai Rang districts, the West borders with Thoi Lai district, the South borders with Hau Giang province, the northern borders with Binh Thuy district and the North. O Mon. So it can be said that Phong Dien is one of the favorite tourist destinations because it is easy to find and from here can also conveniently move to many other places to experience the garden culture or visit the market. floating – is also an indispensable feature of this land.

At the end of the year, experience in the extremely fruity purple breast milk garden in Can Tho, just eat and pick the fruit to bring back - Photo 1.
At the end of the year, experience in the extremely fruity purple breast milk garden in Can Tho, while eating and picking fruit to bring home - Photo 2.
At the end of the year, experience in the garden of extremely fruity purple milkweed in Can Tho, while eating and picking fruit to bring home - Photo 3.
At the end of the year, experience in the garden of extremely fruity purple breast milk in Can Tho, eat while picking fruit to bring home - Photo 4.

The green garden of milkweed is full of fruit at 9 Hong fruit garden.

However, Phong Dien has long been famous as the land of the largest and most diverse fruit gardens in Can Tho. Favorable by the climate, soil and experience handed down from many years of family cultivation, making fruits such as ox skin longan, durian, mangosteen, rambutan, jackfruit turmeric,… But Every year in December, the dairy garden in Phong Dien is visited by many people, especially this year in the Western region, it has a very good harvest and is supported by businesses to export to the US at a high price. for high quality. This is both good news for gardeners, farmers and domestic tourists, coming to the place to enjoy this delicious, ripe fruit is something that cannot be missed.

So how to enter the dairy garden in Phong Dien?

At the end of the year, experience in the garden of extremely fruity purple breast milk in Can Tho, while eating and picking the fruit to bring home - Photo 5.

In Can Tho, there are over 1,600 ha of milkweed, of which 1,075 ha in Phong Dien district alone, with many households and many gardens cultivating for many years. However, not all garden houses are open to outside guests to visit and experience. So to find it, people need to find out through travel agencies or try to visit the two nurseries “9 Hong” and “Rach Ke” that we are about to introduce.

Information to know when visiting the dairy garden

Prices are divided into 3 categories:

1. Entrance fee: 50k/person (not allowed to pick fruit in the garden).

2. Tickets to visit + pick and eat at the garden: 100k/person

3. Picking up breast milk at the garden to bring back as a gift: 25k/kg (the best kind of breast milk in the garden).

To move here is best by motorbike to be able to see the green gardens running along both sides of the road and should choose the time from 8 to 15 pm to experience as much as possible.

These orchards are open to tourists mainly to visit, experience the feeling of seeing the milkweed tree firsthand and pick it up and bring it home as a gift. However, the quality of the breast milk is still carefully managed and cared for by the gardener, reaching the same standard as the take-out products on the market.

At the end of the year, experience in the garden of extremely fruity purple milkweed in Can Tho, while eating and picking fruit to bring home - Photo 6.
At the end of the year, experience in the garden of extremely fruity purple milkweed in Can Tho, while eating and picking fruit to bring home - Photo 7.

At the end of the year, experience in the garden of extremely fruity purple breast milk in Can Tho, while eating and picking fruit to bring home - Photo 8.

Seeing the milkweed tree and picking fruit on the spot is one of the interesting experiences when coming to the West.

According to the owner of 9 Hong fruit garden, the milkweed trees here are nearly 20 years old. Every season, the whole garden is always fruitful and there are both types of white rice milk and purple milk tea with a very large number kept on the tree to ensure the best feeling when visitors come.

“Every day, people go around the garden to harvest ripe fruit from the tree and bring it out to sell. However, we still make sure to keep the fruit on the tree to create a landscape for visitors. as well as the experience of hand-picking and bringing back. Because everyone when they come here, everyone wants to see the fruit garden, not picking them all and collecting entrance fees,” said Uncle Chin, owner of 9 Hong garden. . That is also one of the reasons why this fruit garden is famous for tourists from all over the world, not only in the breast milk season but also in other fruit seasons such as mulberry, rambutan, longan, etc.

At the end of the year, experience in the extremely fruity purple breast garden in Can Tho, while eating and picking fruit to bring home - Photo 9.
At the end of the year, experience in the extremely fruity purple breast milk garden in Can Tho, while eating and picking fruit to bring home - Photo 10.
At the end of the year, experience in the garden of extremely fruity purple breast milk in Can Tho, while eating and picking fruit to bring back - Photo 11.

With the fruits lying on high, there will be someone to help pick them up if you want to buy them as gifts.

Also according to Uncle Chin’s share, this year the number of visitors to the garden is higher than previous years. “In the years when the Covid epidemic broke out, the fruit in the garden sold to traders for a low price. This year tourism developed again, right on the occasion of the harvest season, so we are also excited, not just visitors. “.

Experience picking fruit in the garden

At the end of the year, experience in the extremely fruity purple breast garden in Can Tho, just eat and pick the fruit to bring back - Photo 12.

Purple milk this year is extremely good season. And although they are not as sweet as white breast milk, their thin shell and thick rice make them very popular with many people.

At the end of the year, experience the extremely fruity purple breast milk garden in Can Tho, while eating and picking the fruit to bring home - Photo 13.

When buying and taking home, you will be provided with a foam box and carefully lined by the gardener to help the milkweed fruit go away and not be damaged during the move.

According to the psychology of many people, coming to this garden is mainly to see and experience the fruit garden of the West. And if you buy it to take home, it’s best to go to the market because the fruit is delicious, the good fruit has been picked and sold by the gardener, not leaving the garden to do anything.

However, according to observations, the fruit quality of Rach Ke and 9 Hong gardens are quite good. At the time we came, it was in the middle of the season, the tree was always full of both ripe and still green fruits. But as a fruit, there will also be changes depending on the time, so it is advisable to limit coming at the beginning or the end of the season.

At the end of the year, experience in the garden of purple breast milk in Can Tho, eat while picking fruit - Photo 14.

Breast milk is currently being sold at the garden at the price of 25k/kg, so choose to buy the still green fruits if your travel time is long, or choose the ripe ones if you want to enjoy them right at the garden.

Photo: Internet (

At the end of the year, experience the extremely fruity purple breast milk garden in Can Tho, while eating and picking fruit to bring back

Source: vinlove