Although it costs up to tens of millions of dong, this type of chicken is always sold out during Tet because rich people buy it.

Compass Travel Vietnam
Although it costs up to tens of millions of dong, this type of chicken is always sold out during Tet because rich people buy it.

Maybe many people do not know, when looking at the price list of this type of chicken, they will not believe it, but in fact, on the market today, Dong Tao chicken feet are being sold at prices ranging from 360,000 VND – 1,350,000 VND/kg. With a big foot size of only 2-3 pieces/kg, this chicken leg will cost over half a million dong but still be bought by many people. ($1=25,000 VND)

Spending hundreds of millions hunting the kind of

Beautiful chicken with big legs, eye-catching shape, weight from 4.5 – more than 5 kg/chick

Dong Tao chicken is a specialty that once served the King, and is still sought after by gourmets. Also because it is a rare dish, it is often used by people as a gift or eaten during each Tet holiday. Dong Tao chickens with majestic shapes and big legs are priced at several tens of millions of dong/chick during Tet.

Dong Tao chicken or Dong Cao chicken is an endemic and rare chicken breed in our country. The outstanding feature of this type of chicken is its large and rough legs when mature can weigh over 4.5 kg (rooster) and over 3.5 kg (hen).

This is a traditional chicken breed of Dong Tao commune, Khoai Chau district, Hung Yen province, and people used to use it to make sacrifices – festivals or advance the king. This type of chicken belongs to the list of rare and precious poultry breeds of Vietnam currently being preserved in genetic resources.

This breed of chicken is always hunted by the rich every Tet to spring. Although their prices are up to 10-15 million dong, they still find them to buy as gifts for Tet.

According to a person with more than ten years of experience in raising Dong Tao chickens, the chicken chosen as a Tet gift will have to meet certain standards. A Dong Tao chicken for Tet must go through a rigorous selection process from the parent’s generation. Only 1/100 chickens can meet the criteria for a chicken for Tet.

Specifically, in addition to having big and beautiful legs, the chicken for Tet must have the appearance of “bamboo head, cup body, mussel wings, long tail”. That is, the head of the bamboo tuber is rough, the beak is sharp, the ear is balanced, the chicken wings must hug the body like a boy’s wings hugging each other, the tail feathers must be large and wide, the body is muscular, the legs are big and red. , toes are flat, legs are balanced to form two parallel lines. The rooster’s body is stretched, his demeanor is poise, his majesty. 

Spending hundreds of millions hunting the kind of

Dong Tao chicken, a specialty specializing in offering to feudal kings.

Besides, the chicken must be delicious, sweet and chewy. To achieve this criterion, they must be raised from 12-18 months and exposed to the sun for 2 hours/day. On normal days, chickens will eat corn kernels, soaked rice, and boiled tilapia meat to remove the bones… But in the 2 months near Tet, chickens will eat beef, pork, and chicken eggs. On average, chickens will enjoy the “rich” menu 2-3 times a week. In addition, the chicken has also eaten with lightly roasted peanuts, pureed mixed with bran to increase the amount of fat in the body to make the feathers shiny, the chicken has both firmness, aroma and greasy.

Dong Tao chickens have poor cold tolerance, on days when the temperature is low, they have to let go of the tarpaulin to cover the cage, light an electric bulb for heating, even make a separate room, install an air conditioner for the chicken. On cold days, chickens can cut down on drinking water, add ginger and garlic juice, grind young guava buds to give chickens a drink against some digestive diseases.

Spending hundreds of millions hunting the kind of

In his flock of Dong Tao chickens, there is a giant chicken that is paid 20 million dongs by the giants

Because the characteristics of Dong Tao chicken are big, red legs, firm meat, and majestic appearance, it is chosen as a gift on Tet holiday with the desire to bring the owner wealth, prosperity, affluence, and warmth.

Although chicken products are not new, the demand for Tet chicken is still very large. With normal Dong Tao chicken, the commercial price ranges from 250,000-300,000 VND/kg. However, the big, beautiful chickens are often sold by the child, not by the weight. On Vietnamnet, Mr. Luu Minh Chinh – a household with three generations of raising Dong Tao chickens in Dong Tao village – said that the chickens are beautiful and under 1 year old, weighing from 3.5-5 kg/head with prices fluctuating. 1.5-5 million VND/head depending on the size and beauty of the legs, weight, physique, crest,… Children from 5kg or more are very rare. Currently, customers from all over have contacted to book in advance, around December 10 they started to pick up.

“It’s not easy to find the original and beautiful Dong Tao chickens because most gardeners keep them for breeding, sometimes customers have to order a whole year in advance to have them,” Chinh said.

Although it costs up to tens of millions of dong, this type of chicken is always sold out during Tet because rich people buy it.

Source: vinlove