Admire the beautiful scenery of To Thi Lang Son mountain, once entered into the majestic poetry and literature

Compass Travel Vietnam
Admire the beautiful scenery of To Thi Lang Son mountain, once entered into the majestic poetry and literature 

To Thi Lang Son mountain is associated with an anecdote of a woman holding a child waiting for her husband, a symbol of the loyalty of Vietnamese women.

Where is To Thi Lang Son mountain?

To Thi Lang Son mountain tourist area is a famous destination of Lang Son, in Tam Thanh ward, Lang Son city. This mountain is located in the population of limestone mountains in the northwest of the province, in the shape of To Thi waiting for her husband. 
 Where is To Thi Lang Son mountain?To Thi mountain is located in Tam Thanh ward, Lang Son city. Photo: @littlejensjourney

Today, this mountain has become an impressive destination in the system of relics of Lang, attracting tourists from all over the country to visit and learn. In 1962, the relic area including To Thi mountain, the complex of Nhi – Tam Thanh scenic area and the Mac citadel was ranked at the national level by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.
 Where is To Thi Lang Son mountain?This mountain is located in the famous relic complex of Lang. Photo: @ro_rocamm

Not only is it a beautiful mountain, but To Thi mountain is also associated with the story of a woman holding her child and looking to the distant sky to wait for her husband. Coming to Lang Son, visitors just need to cross the Ky Cung River to see a natural stone slab bearing the silhouette of To Thi standing proudly in the middle of heaven and earth – a most beautiful symbol of Lang Son.  

>>See more:  Check-in super-hot Lang Son tourist destinations to enjoy an interesting border trip 

The history of To Thi mountain 

If you have the opportunity to travel to Lang Son , remember to visit To Thi mountain. This mountain is also known as Vong Phu mountain. On the top of the mountain is a natural rock shaped like a woman holding a child looking up at the sky. In Vietnamese fairy tales, this is To Thi, waiting for her husband to go to battle in the North. After waiting for a long time, her husband did not return, so she turned to stone. 
 The story of To Thi Lang Son mountainTo Thi mountain is associated with the story of To Thi waiting for her husband. Photo: @name6677023

Later, people called this rock To Thi. And since then , To Thi Lang Son mountain has also become a beautiful destination attracting tourists to visit and admire it. People come here not only to see the natural rock but also to enjoy the magnificent and poetic picture of Lang land. 

Coming to Vong Phu mountain , you will have the opportunity to admire closer the symbol of the loyalty of Vietnamese women. Although the years have passed and nature has affected the relic to destroy it, the local government has restored it almost to its original form, preserving a complete image of To Thi imprinted in the hearts of Vietnamese people. 
 The story of To Thi Lang Son mountainFrom the top of To Thi mountain, you can have a panoramic view of Lang Son city. Photo: @huynhthien5390

As a beautiful symbol of fidelity, To Thi Lang Son mountain has become a valuable source of inspiration, giving birth to many beautiful poems and songs. The most famous is the immortal Hon Vong Phu epic. Therefore, when visiting this destination in Lang Son , visitors will have a lot of special emotions, different from when exploring other mountains in Vietnam. 
 The story of To Thi Lang Son mountainInternational tourists are excited to explore To Thi Lang Son mountain. Photo: @littlejensjourney

Today, when exploring To Thi Lang Son mountain , you will see that at the foot of To Thi’s statue there are incense bowls, showing the people’s respect for her. Many tourists come here to pray and pray for the best in their life and love life.
 The story of To Thi Lang Son mountainBeautiful sunset on Nang To Thi mountain. Photo: @sonhuynh_5439

Exploring this beautiful mountain is also an opportunity for you to admire the beautiful scenery of Lang Son city from above. It is a picture of green rice fields, peaceful houses, majestic mountains and forests. All create a truly poetic, peaceful and lyrical scene that captivates the hearts of many travelers.
 The story of To Thi Lang Son mountainMany beautiful check-in corners on To Thi mountain. Photo: @anny.thuyan

In particular, To Thi mountain is also located in the complex of the Mac citadel relic. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to discover a majestic citadel, once very large and superficial in the history of the Mac Dynasty of our country. The wall with moss-covered rocks and old stairs creates a beautiful check-in background for visitors.
 The story of To Thi Lang Son mountainYou can combine exploration into the Mac Dynasty. Photo: @vanmincl

Today, the road to the mountain has been built with quite easy steps. So visitors do not need to worry about climbing and sightseeing. Along with the steps, there are also sturdy railings, both to ensure the safety of visitors, and to help make the virtual check-in photos more beautiful.

Experience of discovering To Thi mountain 

As a famous place of Lang land, To Thi mountain is always a favorite destination of tourists. It is about 150 km from Hanoi capital, suitable for you to explore by motorbike, bus or train as you like. It only takes 1-2 weekends to come here to enjoy the scenery and experience.
 Experience exploring To Thi Lang Son mountainThis destination is 150 km from Hanoi’s capital. Photo: @hn.yen

The journey of climbing the mountain to admire and admire To Thi is not too difficult. However, you should choose active clothes, wear sports shoes and do not forget to go to the mountain in the morning or afternoon to avoid the hot sun. 
 Experience exploring To Thi Lang Son mountainBeautiful scenery of Na Lang valley, Lang Son. Photo: @dungdong139

Any season of the year is suitable for you to return to Lang Son and see To Thi. If you come here in winter, you can also combine to Mau Son to watch the snow, and see the extremely beautiful frost. In addition, you can also explore many more destinations such as hydrangea garden, Phia Den national park, Na Lay mountain , Dang Mo waterfall, … 
 Experience exploring To Thi Lang Son mountainThe beautiful scenery of To Thi mountain is poetic like this. Photo: @kimcreatorvn

To Thi Lang Son Mountain is a scenic spot, a beautiful relic that you should visit once to see with your own eyes the stone statue of To Thi waiting for her husband. From there, they will be more proud of the beautiful scenery, the people and the good traditional cultural values ​​that the Vietnamese people have preserved for generations. 

Photo: Instagram

Admire the beautiful scenery of To Thi Lang Son mountain, once entered into the majestic poetry and literature 

Source: vinlove