A tour of the wild and peaceful Xa Nhe commune of Tua Chua district, Dien Bien

Compass Travel Vietnam
A tour of the wild and peaceful Xa Nhe commune of Tua Chua district, Dien Bien

Just one visit to Xa Nhe commune is enough for visitors to remember forever a highland commune of the Tua Chua district which is beautiful, unspoiled, and has many interesting experiences. 

Find the coordinates of Xa Nhe commune 

If you have the opportunity, once you visit Xa Nhe commune, Tua Chua district, Dien Bien province. This is a commune located about 10 km from the center of Tua Chua town. In the past, traffic in this commune was quite difficult. However, in recent years, it has been developed to help tourists easily visit this land. 

Explore Xa Nhe commune in Tua Chua districtXa Nhe commune is located in Tua Chua district, Dien Bien province. Photo: @nhuhoa_phan

This locality possesses mountainous terrain, creating favorable conditions for indigenous people to develop agriculture, especially rice farming. In addition, this place is also the area with the largest soybean growing area in Tua Chua district. So having the opportunity to visit this commune, you will discover many interesting and new things.

Discover Xa Nhe commune - a new and beautiful landGoing to Xa Nhe, visitors can see a green picture. Photo: @hudinolove

In addition to the beautiful scenery from hills and forests, Xa Nhe also has great tourism potential, which is Xa Nhe cave located only about 1 km from the center of the commune. Today, this cave is a destination in Dien Bien attracting many tourists to visit and experience, contributing to the development of commune tourism. 

Explore Xa Nhe commune, experience many interesting and beautiful scenes

Previously, exploring Xa Nhe commune would be more or less difficult because of inconvenient traffic. However, in recent years, thanks to the attention of local authorities, the roads are convenient. Visitors to this commune can choose motorbikes for convenient transportation, as well as flexibly travel in the mountainous terrain of Tua Chua rocky plateau.

Explore Xa Nhe commune to see the beautiful natural pictureA picture of a peaceful and beautiful village in Xa Nhe commune. Photo: @bienontheroad

On the way to visit Xa Nhe commune, visitors will have the opportunity to pass through vast and green rice fields. In the middle of the vast amount of good rice is a small stream carrying water so that people can fresh and pepper, ensuring the healthy growth of plants. The village scene in this commune is rustic and peaceful, helping people dispel the feeling of depression.

Explore Xa Nhe commune to enjoy the peaceful and poeticVisitors to Xa Nhe can enjoy the beautiful scenery and peace and comfort here. Photo: @vanmay00

The roads through the commune take visitors through high hills covered with green grass, across the small roofs of indigenous people. Here, the population density is low, so the housing is also sparse. Therefore, the image of a beautiful house, lying in the middle of immense nature is a very noticeable thing in Xa Nhe.

Explore Xa Nhe commune to fully feel the beauty of Dien BienXa Nhe commune is located only about 10 km from Tua Chua town, so moving here is not too difficult. Photo: @iammeobb

Exploring Xa Nhe commune , what to do, what to play? Because tourism in the commune has not developed as strongly as many other localities in Dien Bien. Therefore, this place still has its original and natural features. Coming here, visitors can spend time roaming on the roads, playing in the fields or going out to the hill to watch cattle grazing leisurely.

Exploring Xa Nhe commune, visitors remember Xa Nhe caveXa Nhe Cave is a prominent destination in this commune. Photo: @minh.khang.93

If you want to find a place to visit, then Xa Nhe cave in Dien Bien is the coordinates not to be missed. This cave belongs to Pang De B village, has been classified as a national monument by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in 2014. Xa Nhe cave appeared millions of years ago and is surrounded by virgin forest. bushy birth. 

Explore Xa Nhe commune and go to Xa Nhe cave to see a unique caveThe system of beautiful stalactites in Xa Nhe cave. Photo: VOV Tourism 

Xa Nhe Cave is located at an altitude of 1500 meters above sea level and 700 meters deep. The space in the cave bends in an arc, the widest place is about 20-25 meters. Stepping into the cave, visitors can explore many nooks and crannies of this cave. 

Xa Nhe Cave is a destination not to be missed when exploring Xa Nhe communeXa Nhe Cave is a beautiful and unique coordinate of the commune, attracting many tourists to visit. Photo: bietthungoctrai

The deeper you go into the cave, the more stalactites and stalagmites with all kinds of strange and unique shapes appear. There are stalactites forming waterfalls, there are terraces, etc. Every corner of the cave, stalactites and stalagmites compete to create a shimmering castle-like frame.

When you discover Xa Nhe commune, remember to come here to take picturesInside the cave, there are many beautiful corners for visitors to check in. Photo: Hoang Hai Giang 

Not only going inside the cave, visitors can also spend time exploring the primeval forest system surrounding the outside to see the truly amazing nature. The wild beauty of Xa Nhe commune is concretized by the cliffs, the forest, by the immense hills in the distance. 

Notes when exploring Xa Nhe commune

More and more tourists are discovering Xa Nhe commune to understand more about Dien Bien tourism . Although this locality has not really developed facilities such as homestay, experience services, … but surely in the future, this will be another extremely attractive destination of Dien Bien province. 

Notes when exploring Xa Nhe communeYou only need 1 day to explore Xa Nhe, spend a lot of time wandering around the town of Tua Chua. Photo: @drink_tea_2be_trendy

Because the commune is not too far from the center of Tua Chua, you only need 1 day to come here and walk around, as well as visit Xa Nhe cave. If you want to stay overnight, you should ask the locals to stay in their homes. In addition, visitors can also choose to bring a tent to camp in places with spacious and clean space. 

Notes when exploring Xa Nhe communeXa Nhe Commune will leave many wonderful memories in the hearts of travelers. Photo: @nhuhoa_phan

The journey to discover Xa Nhe commune in the Tua Chua district will surely bring visitors from all over the world many precious memories. You will return to a new and strange land, discover a unique cave, as well as have a truly memorable trip in Dien Bien province. 

Photo: Instagram + Internet

A tour of the wild and peaceful Xa Nhe commune of Tua Chua district, Dien Bien

Source: vinlove