A series of poetic check-in points that visitors to Quang Nam should not miss

Viet Nam is not a war, Viet Nam is the country
A series of poetic check-in points that visitors to Quang Nam should not miss

Quang Nam has many famous tourist destinations on the world tourism map, such as My Son temple tower, Bay Mau coconut forest (Hoi An)… Quang Nam also chooses green tourism as a guideline to attract guests.

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Bay Mau coconut forest in Cam Thanh commune, Hoi An city is one of the tourist attractions attracting domestic and foreign tourists. When visiting Hoi An, visitors cannot help but book a tour here to experience it.

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The romantic Hoai River runs through the banks of Hoi An ancient town, honoring the beauty of the world’s cultural heritage. Visitors to Hoi An also like to explore and experience the Hoai River at night with many activities; Dropping flower lanterns on the Hoai River is a memorable experience when visiting Hoi An.

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My Son temple complex is one of two world cultural heritages that Quang Nam owns. My Son temple tower area is located in Duy Phu commune, Duy Xuyen district, Quang Nam, nearly 70km from Da Nang city. 

This was once the place for worshiping of the Champa dynasty. My Son temple complex is considered one of the main temple centers of Hinduism in Southeast Asia and is the only heritage site of this type in Vietnam. Every year, My Son temple complex welcomes tens of thousands of domestic and foreign tourists to visit.

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Phu Ninh Lake is known as the “green pearl” of the Central region, this is an interesting green tourist destination of Quang Nam. Phu Ninh Lake is a charming landscape painting, attracting tourists with its peaceful space, majestic forests, blue lake with a population of 32 large and small islands.

Phu Ninh Lake is located in Tam Dai commune, Phu Ninh district, Quang Nam province, about 7km from Tam Ky station.

Phu Ninh Lake tourist area is an ideal place for tourists to admire the majestic mountains, charming scenery, and poetic water surface. 

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Tam Ky Sua flower garden is also a green tourist destination that tourists should not miss when coming to Quang Nam.

Sua flower garden is located in Huong Tra ecological village, Hoa Huong ward, Tam Ky city. Every April, the local government organizes the “Sua flower season” festival to attract tourists to visit and admire.

Huong Tra Village was formed over 500 years ago. Currently, there still exists an ancient milk garden with thousands of trees hundreds of years old. Due to strict protection by the people, the Sua garden is still intact. This is a precious garden of the people here. During the Sua flower festival season, this place attracts thousands of tourists to visit.

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In January and February, passing through the Ha Nha bridge in the Dai Loc district, Quang Nam, tourists are surprised by the rice flower tree in bright red bloom in the middle of the mudflats of the Vu Gia river. According to the people here, the rice flower tree has been around for a long time.

The people here believe that this rice flower tree is sacred so no one is allowed to cut it down. The rice flower tree is very large, the tree’s base can easily take nearly 10 people to hug, and its spreading canopy shades the entire area.

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Tam Thanh basket boat art path in Tam Thanh mural village (Tam Thanh commune, Tam Ky city) is one of the unique and attractive art products for tourists coming to Quang Nam.

The mural village was painted on the walls of people’s houses by teachers of elementary and middle school art clubs in Tam Ky City and a group of artists from Hanoi, creating interesting mural works.

In addition, artists also create murals on basket boats to display to attract tourists and develop community tourism in Tam Thanh commune.

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Located less than 5km northeast of the center of Tam Ky City, Quang Nam, Bai Say on Dam River is an ideal place for tourists to visit and experience various types of eco-tourism.

Dam River Reed Beach (Vinh Binh village, Tam Thang commune, Tam Ky city, Quang Nam) is a natural freshwater lagoon with an area of ​​about 180 hectares. Of which, the flooded area accounts for 140 hectares, the average water level is 1.6 meters deep. Bai Say alone has an area of ​​about 40 hectares, with reeds growing for a long time.

Bai Say in Dam River has rich aquatic resources, many fish, shrimp and natural birds reside and breed here.

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The Heroic Mother Vietnam Monument was modeled after Mother Nguyen Thi Thu (hometown of Dien Thang commune, Dien Ban district, Quang Nam, had 11 children and grandchildren who are martyrs), built on an area of ​​15 hectares at the top of Cam mountain. (in An Phu ward, Tam Ky city, Quang Nam) sketched by artist Dinh Gia Thang. The monument was inaugurated in 2015.

The Vietnamese Heroic Mother Monument is a red address, each year attracting tens of thousands of tourists from everywhere to visit and pay their respects.

($1=24,000 VND)
Photo,Video: Internet (Vinlove.net)

A series of poetic check-in points that visitors to Quang Nam should not miss

Source: vinlovevietnam