A large number of tourists go to red places in Hanoi during Independence Day

Compass Travel Vietnam
A large number of tourists go to red places in Hanoi during Independence Day

Celebrating the 77th National Day (September 2, 1945 – September 2, 2022), a large number of people in the capital and tourists came to visit the historic site 48 Hang Ngang House, Hoa Lo Prison, and History Museum. Vietnam’s military… a place that demonstrates the sacrifices, hardships, resilient fighting spirit and indomitable struggle against the enemy of Vietnamese revolutionary soldiers.

A large number of tourists look to red addresses in Hanoi during Independence Day - Photo 1.

Hoa Lo Prison Relic is the “Red Address”, where patriotic and revolutionary traditions are taught to all classes of people, especially the young generation of the capital.

A large number of tourists look to red addresses in Hanoi during Independence Day - Photo 2.

The historical site of Hoa Lo Prison, is proof of the sacrifices, hardships, resilient fighting spirit, and indomitable before the enemy of the Vietnamese revolutionary soldiers.

A large number of tourists look to red addresses in Hanoi during Independence Day - Photo 3.

A large number of people and tourists visit Hoa Lo Prison Relic on National Day September 2.

A large number of tourists look to red addresses in Hanoi during Independence Day - Photo 4.

Hoa Lo Prison Relic is a place that attracts many domestic and international tourists

A large number of tourists look to red addresses in Hanoi during Independence Day - Photo 5.

Hoa Lo Prison Relic is also a place chosen by many foreign tourists when coming to Vietnam –

A large number of tourists look to red addresses in Hanoi during Independence Day - Photo 6.

Nguyen Hoai Anh – a student at the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (Hanoi) – said that when you come to Hoa Lo Prison on a special day, it is also a place with many historical relics. recovery and national pride suddenly became clearer than ever.

A large number of tourists look to red addresses in Hanoi during Independence Day - Photo 7.

“Visitors to Hoa Lo Prison are very diverse, but most are young people. Recently, I have seen that Hoa Lo Prison relic has promotional campaigns that focus on young people like me, how to promote Very close but no less witty. Those could be the suggestions that made me and many young people come here to learn, gradually shorten the distance and love history more,” added Hoai Anh.

A large number of tourists look to red addresses in Hanoi during Independence Day - Photo 8.

Hoa Lo Prison is a historical relic that testifies to a whole period of hard work, a symbol of the resilient will and indomitable spirit of the patriotic Vietnamese people.With the class of people growing up in peace, Hoa Lo is a place to educate the tradition of patriotism, love of history, and understanding and admire their ancestors.

A large number of tourists look to red addresses in Hanoi during Independence Day - Photo 9.

House number 48 Hang Ngang street is located in the old quarter of Hanoi’s capital.Here, in 1945, President Ho Chi Minh wrote the Declaration of Independence giving birth to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.Five months have passed, the house 48 Hang Ngang is now open to visitors to visit and learn.The house forever entered the historical flow of the nation, becoming a sacred historical relic.

A large number of tourists look to red addresses in Hanoi during Independence Day - Photo 10.

In the early days of the August 1945 Revolution, the house was the working place of the Standing Committee of the Party Central Committee and President Ho Chi Minh. Here, President Ho Chi Minh wrote the Declaration of Independence, and read it at Ba Dinh Square, Hanoi, on September 2, 1945, giving birth to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. This is also the first place where President Ho Chi Minh spent the first days of his return to Hanoi and made important historical decisions for the Vietnamese people.

A large number of tourists look to red addresses in Hanoi during Independence Day - Photo 11.

In a room on the 2nd floor of this 48 Hang Ngang house, President Ho Chi Minh drafted the “Declaration of Independence” giving birth to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.

A large number of tourists look to red addresses in Hanoi during Independence Day - Photo 12.

According to documents from the Ho Chi Minh Museum, “He said, this is the happiest moment in my life. I have written a lot, but when I wrote the Declaration of Independence, my heart was happiest”.The Declaration of Independence was solemnly proclaimed in front of more than 500,000 compatriots in the capital and the world on September 2, 1945 at the historic Ba Dinh Square.

A large number of tourists look to red addresses in Hanoi during Independence Day - Photo 13.

On the second floor of the house, there is still the room of President Ho Chi Minh and the comrades in the Standing Committee of the Party Central Committee working from August 25 to September 2, 1945.

A large number of tourists look to red addresses in Hanoi during Independence Day - Photo 14.
A large number of tourists look to red addresses in Hanoi during Independence Day - Photo 15.

Ms. Minh Luong, a tourist in Da Nang shared: “In recent years, due to the influence of the Covid-19 epidemic, I have not been able to travel. This year the epidemic has been controlled, so my family came here to travel. and visit famous places of Hanoi, thereby seeing meaningful images and memorabilia of Uncle Ho at this 48 Hang Ngang house”.

A large number of tourists look to red addresses in Hanoi during Independence Day - Photo 16.

Located at address 28A, Dien Bien Phu Street, Hanoi, (in the route to visit Uncle Ho’s Mausoleum, President Ho Chi Minh’s relic at the Presidential Palace, Thang Long Imperial Citadel), has long been a Military History Museum Vietnam (BLSQSVN) is always the destination to explore and learn of domestic and foreign tourists.Right from the entrance gate, on the left-hand side, the image of the national flag fluttering on the Hanoi Flagpole has attracted the attention of visitors.Next is the image of a 105mm cannon, one of the two cannons that opened the Dien Bien Phu campaign in 1954, and a MIG 21 with 14 stars, showing 14 times the aircraft had won victories in the resistance war against the US… really impressed the curiosity of visitors, especially international visitors.

A large number of tourists look to red addresses in Hanoi during Independence Day - Photo 17.

The museum has an indoor and outdoor display system with an area of ​​​​up to 3,200m2.In the exhibition area outside the museum are war artifacts of great size and stature, associated with the ups and downs and victories of our nation in the two long wars of resistance against the French and against the US.

A large number of tourists look to red addresses in Hanoi during Independence Day - Photo 18.

The system of Vietnam military history museum is divided into 3 2-storey buildings specializing in displaying and storing artifacts and documents for sightseeing and learning about military history.In the first building near the entrance gate on Dien Bien Phu street, the first floor is a gallery of historical artifacts reflecting the work of building and defending the country of the Hung Kings before 1930. On the second floor is the exhibition area. Vietnam’s military artifacts from 1930 to the end of the resistance war against the French (1954) and the famous campaign once – Dien Bien Phu campaign.

A large number of tourists look to red addresses in Hanoi during Independence Day - Photo 19.

Hanoi flagpole, this is a unique ancient architectural monument, ranked as a national historical architectural monument in 1990, is also located on the campus of the Vietnam Military History Museum.It is this historical relic that makes the Museum more beautiful, more attractive…

A large number of tourists look to red addresses in Hanoi during Independence Day - Photo 20.
A large number of tourists look to red addresses in Hanoi during Independence Day - Photo 21.

To let domestic people, as well as international visitors, know about the museum, in addition to promoting propaganda, supplementing documents and artifacts, renewing indoor and outdoor display contents as well as organizing exhibitions, the museum will also be able to attract visitors from all over the world. Thematic exhibitions at the Museum, every year the Vietnam National Guard also regularly cooperates with museums inside and outside the armed forces and localities to organize traveling exhibitions.

A large number of tourists look to red addresses in Hanoi during Independence Day - Photo 22.

Every year, the Vietnam Military History Museum welcomes thousands of domestic and foreign visitors to visit and study.

A large number of tourists look to red addresses in Hanoi during Independence Day - Photo 23.

It can be said that the Vietnam Military History Museum is an important cultural and educational institution, which has been contributing to the cause of traditional education, politics and ideology for current generations of cadres and soldiers. , preserving and promoting the value of Vietnam’s military cultural heritage – an important part of Vietnam’s cultural heritage.

A large number of tourists look to red addresses in Hanoi during Independence Day - Photo 24.
A large number of tourists look to red addresses in Hanoi during Independence Day - Photo 25.
A large number of tourists look to red addresses in Hanoi during Independence Day - Photo 26.

Visiting the Vietnam Military History Museum, the more you feel, the more poignant, and also more proud of your nation’s history.


A large number of tourists go to red places in Hanoi during Independence Day

Source: vinlove