9 tourist attractions near Ho Chi Minh City, convenient for a relaxing 2-9 vacation

Compass Travel Vietnam
9 tourist attractions near Ho Chi Minh City, convenient for a relaxing 2-9 vacation

If you do not want to go long distances, crowded buses on holiday places 150km from Ho Chi Minh City and easily accessible by motorbike are ideal options for this 2-9 occasion.

1. My Tho

About 70km from Ho Chi Minh City, My Tho is an interesting destination with places such as Thoi Son island with cool natural beauty, charming scenery, and Bach Cong Tu’s house with a luxurious and noble lifestyle. the old rich; Vinh Trang Pagoda has an architectural style that harmoniously combines French, Roman, Khmer, Chinese, and Vietnamese styles.

Even in Tien Giang, there is also a bustling and bustling floating market that is Cai Be located on Tan Phong island. Visitors can experience the atmosphere of buying and selling on the floating market, buying agricultural products, fruits (Lo Ren breast milk, Hoa Loc sand mango…), vegetables…

9 tourist attractions near Ho Chi Minh City, convenient for a relaxing 2-9 holiday - Photo 2.

In My Tho, there are many houses built from the French period with ancient beauty

9 tourist attractions near Ho Chi Minh City, convenient for a relaxing 2-9 holiday - Photo 3.

Come to My Tho, remember to enjoy sugarcane juice with many accompanying dishes

2. Long Khanh

Long Khanh is the “fruit capital” of Dong Nai province, with many gardeners growing diverse tropical fruits, only about 80km from Ho Chi Minh City, very convenient to travel.

Coming to Long Khanh, visitors can visit gardens dense with fruits such as durian, mangosteen, guava, jackfruit, toad, longan…, fascinated by the rambutan gardens laden with branches and red fruits. , lying close to both sides of the road in the middle of the harvest season.

Not only eating fruit as much as you want, buying fresh, clean and safe fruits picked by your own hands, but tourists can also enjoy a lot of dishes, crab rice soup…

9 tourist attractions near Ho Chi Minh City, convenient for a relaxing 2-9 holiday - Photo 4.

The fruits are abundant in Long Khanh gardeners: rambutan, mangosteen, jackfruit, durian

9 tourist attractions near Ho Chi Minh City, convenient for a relaxing 2-9 holiday - Photo 5.

It is not difficult to see fruit-laden trees along the roadside in Long Khanh

3. Dau Tieng Lake

Dau Tieng Lake is a great camping spot, 80km from Ho Chi Minh City with scenery likened to a picture by tourists. Young people often choose lakeside campsites to watch the sunrise and can see both the majestic Ba and Cau mountains.

If you do not want to camp, tourists can stay at homestays at Dau Tieng Lake. This is the ideal place to enjoy the natural air, and fresh air, and relieve stress after tired working days.

9 tourist attractions near Ho Chi Minh City, convenient for a relaxing 2-9 holiday - Photo 6.

No matter which corner of Dau Tieng lake you stand, you can still see Ba ​​Den mountain

4. Ma Da Forest

Ma Da Forest, also known as Dong Nai Cultural Nature Reserve, is a natural forest known as the green lung of the Southeast region, covering more than 100,000 hectares with unspoiled nature.

The road to Ma Da forest is very beautiful, poetic and charming, a place to experience cycling and camping.

You can just watch the gentle Dong Nai River, the vast rice fields, or the undulating hills. Ma Da Forest is also famous as a habitat for many wildlife, where visitors will easily catch flocks of golden butterflies.

9 tourist attractions near Ho Chi Minh City, convenient for a relaxing 2-9 holiday - Photo 7.

Bathing in the stream in Ma Da forest

9 tourist attractions near Ho Chi Minh City, convenient for a relaxing 2-9 holiday - Photo 8.

Rich vegetation in Ma Da forest

5. Thu Dau Mot

Thu Dau Mot City (Binh Duong Province) adjacent to Ho Chi Minh City is a familiar place. But few people know that Thu Dau Mot has many beautiful places to visit and travel such as Phu Cuong church, Tibetan temple with the largest statue of Dat Ma Su To braided hair in Vietnam, Ba pagoda, and Dai tourist area. Nam, Tuong Binh Hiep lacquer village.

In particular, the Lai Thieu fruit garden along the Saigon River, located about 10km south of Thu Dau Mot, is a great picnic place where you can travel and enjoy a variety of specialty fruits such as mangosteen, jackfruit, etc. durian…

9 tourist attractions near Ho Chi Minh City, convenient for a relaxing 2-9 holiday - Photo 9.

Bach Dang Street runs along the Saigon River in Thu Dau Mot, across the river is Cu Chi District, HCMC

9 tourist attractions near Ho Chi Minh City, convenient for a relaxing 2-9 holiday - Photo 10.

The roundabout at the six intersection in the center of Thu Dau Mot city with the symbol of oil petals and Phu Cuong church

9 tourist attractions near Ho Chi Minh City, convenient for a relaxing 2-9 holiday - Photo 11.

Mangosteen chicken salad – a typical dish of Binh Duong

6. Long Son Island

Long Son Island is about 100km from the center of Ho Chi Minh City, and about 30km from Vung Tau city to the west. This beautiful island has been explored since the reign of King Minh Mang and has become an ideal resort.

People living on Long Son island make a living through aquaculture, salt making and fishing. In particular, the island is known as the “oyster island” with the largest oyster reserve in the country.

Visitors can experience harvesting oysters, enjoy this specialty dish, visit salt fields, Long Son rafting village, go fishing, visit Ong Tran temple…

9 tourist attractions near Ho Chi Minh City, convenient for a relaxing 2-9 holiday - Photo 12.

Fishing rafts in Long Son

9 tourist attractions near Ho Chi Minh City, convenient for a relaxing 2-9 holiday - Photo 13.

Big road with big trees on both sides from Highway 51 to Long Son

9 tourist attractions near Ho Chi Minh City, convenient for a relaxing 2-9 holiday - Photo 14.

Long Son big house, also known as Ong Tran temple, is located on the side of Nua mountain, Long Son

7. Sa Dec

Sa Dec flower village is the current name of Tan Quy Dong flower village (Dong Thap province), with a traditional floriculture for more than a hundred years. Starting from a small flower village with a few households growing decorative flowers for the Lunar New Year in the 20th century, Sa Dec flower garden has now become the largest flower garden in the West.

Coming to Sa Dec, visitors can visit Tan Quy Dong flower garden, go to Sa Dec ornamental flower resort, which is home to the most bonsai in Dong Thap province with more than 2,000 ancient ornamental plants and more than 1,000 bonsai trees.

Sa Dec is also home to the ancient house of Huynh Thuy Le, known and famous after the novel L’Amant (The Lover) by French writer Marguerite Duras was made into a movie in 1992 and filmed here.

9 tourist attractions near Ho Chi Minh City, convenient for a relaxing 2-9 holiday - Photo 15.

In Sa Dec, there are many pagodas, visitors can visit and burn incense

9 tourist attractions near Ho Chi Minh City, convenient for a relaxing 2-9 holiday - Photo 16.

Huynh Thuy Le ancient house – the most prominent attraction in Sa Dec

9 tourist attractions near Ho Chi Minh City, convenient for a relaxing 2-9 holiday - Photo 17.

A portion of Sa Dec dry noodle soup

8. Tri An Lake

Tri An Lake is an artificial lake located on the Dong Nai River, which is also one of the recent favorite camping sites for young people.

The lake is a place to store water to supply Tri An Hydropower Plant, located about 60km from Ho Chi Minh City. The lake is famous for its poetic, fresh natural beauty and especially at dusk when the sun begins to set.

To watch the sunset, tourists can take a walk along the dam or take a boat ride on Tri An Lake to watch the sunset on the lake.

9 tourist attractions near Ho Chi Minh City, convenient for a relaxing 2-9 holiday - Photo 18.

Tri An Lake in the afternoon

9. Go Cong

Go Cong town (Tien Giang province) is a peaceful ancient town located about 50km from Ho Chi Minh City. Although the area is small, this place has many unique architectural works, especially Western houses, which are quite harmoniously intertwined with modern ones.

The ancient relics can be mentioned as Hoang Gia Tomb, Truong Dinh Temple, Trung Communal House, Governor Hai’s house, Governor’s Palace.

The flower road at ten o’clock in Tan Trung commune, Go Cong district, Tien Giang province is also a place often hunted by young people. The small road in the middle of the rice field leading to Uncle Tam Thanh’s house is planted with flowers at ten o’clock on both sides of the road to prevent weeds from damaging the road.

9 tourist attractions near Ho Chi Minh City, convenient for a relaxing 2-9 holiday - Photo 19.

Governor Hai’s house in Go Cong

9 tourist attractions near Ho Chi Minh City, convenient for a relaxing 2-9 holiday - Photo 20.

Governor’s Palace in Go Cong

9 tourist attractions near Ho Chi Minh City, convenient for a relaxing 2-9 holiday - Photo 21.

Sitting and drinking coffee in an old house in Go Cong

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9 tourist attractions near Ho Chi Minh City, convenient for a relaxing 2-9 vacation

Source: vinlove