7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre attract tourists from all over the world

Compass Travel Vietnam
7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre attract tourists from all over the world

If you are planning to travel to Ben Tre, and return to the coconut land in the coming days but do not know where to go, please pocket 7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre below.

Referring to Ben Tre, everyone imagines a land famous for its rows of layers of immense green coconuts, the Tien River flowing through creating three rows of islands and a system of interlaced canals, alternating with orchards. Lush luxuriant creates a peaceful scene of the beloved West for many generations. Today, let’s stop by Vinlove at 7 ideal check-in points below to feel the unique beauty of Ben Tre.

How to move to 7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre?

If you come from Ho Chi Minh City, you have many ways to move as well as means to get to Ben Tre:

1. Buy bus tickets

Only 85 kilometers from Ho Chi Minh City, you can come to Ben Tre after 1.5 – 2 hours by car. Currently, there are quite a few bus operators that have flights from Ho Chi Minh City to Ben Tre and other western provinces such as Mai Linh, Thao Chau, Phuong Trang, Hong Phuong, Thinh Phat, Cong Tao. You can buy tickets from Saigon to Ben Tre at the Western bus station at address 395, Kinh Duong Vuong Street, An Lac Ward, Binh Tan District, Ho Chi Minh City.

Revealing 7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre - The road from Ho Chi Minh City.  Ho Chi MinhThe road from the city. From Ho Chi Minh, it’s quite easy to go to Ben Tre. Photo: yeutre.vn

2. Go by car or motorbike by yourself

In addition to passenger cars, you can choose to go to Ben Tre by driving a car or motorbike by yourself along the route: Binh Chanh (HCMC) – National Highway 1 – Trung Luong highway (passing through Long An and Tien Giang). ) and then cross Rach Mieu bridge to enter the territory of Ben Tre province.

If you prefer to go by motorbike, tourists also follow the above road but do not enter the highway but go in the direction of Binh Chanh (HCMC) – National Highway 1 – Tan An (Long An) – Tien Giang – Rach bridge Mieu (Ben Tre). The road from Saigon to Ben Tre is also quite easy, so you don’t need to worry too much.

A trip from Ho Chi Minh City to Ben Tre on a weekend or short holiday is also an interesting experience because going this way you can both be proactive in your schedule and have the opportunity to see the scenery. Landscape of the countryside, rivers and gardens.

Revealing 7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre - Year-round weatherThe weather is peaceful and warm all year round. Photo: yeutre.vn

The best time to check-in 7 beautiful tourist attractions in Ben Tre

After learning about how to go, the most appropriate time to visit Ben Tre is also the question of many tourists. Belonging to the Southwest region – the Mekong River Delta, the year-round weather of this land also includes two seasons, rainy and dry, with a quite pleasant climate, rarely having big changes. Therefore, visitors are spoiled for discovering the beauty of coconut land at any time of the year.

But for the most fun and comfortable trip, you should note some information about the peak tourist season here. Tourists from all over the world will come to visit Lan Vuong, Lang Be tourist areas , Cai Mon fruit garden, Cho Lach or Con Nhan, Binh Dai, Thanh Phu… the most crowded at the beginning of summer is also the fruit season. tree and coincides with the big holiday schedule 30/4 – 1/5, students’ summer vacation: falls in the period from April to July. This is exactly When the fruit in the garden is at its ripest and sweetest with countless delicious fruits worthy of the name of coconut specialties such as breast milk, rambutan, jackfruit, durian, mangosteen, dragon fruit, bon bon,… If you choose to go at this time, you are free to eat fruit, have fun and enjoy the bustling atmosphere in tourist attractions. However, the inconvenient point is that it will be quite crowded and the cost is also higher than usual. Depending on the schedule and plan, the cost of going out, you can consider and choose the right time to check in 7 check-in points in Ben Tre.

Revealing 7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre - Enjoy the foodEnjoy the rustic, bold Western dishes. Photo: metrip

Some notes to remember when exploring Ben Tre

7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre are located in places with many rivers, canals and mangrove forests, so you should remember to pay attention to the terrain and weather before visiting each specific address.

When visiting this land, visitors also need to follow the instructions of the guide, especially do not forget to bring sunscreen, raincoat, mosquito repellent, insect bite medicine, …

Revealing 7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre - Ben Tre with many riversBen Tre has many rivers, so you have to be careful. Photo: dulichmientay

Almost all eco-tourism sites, amusement parks, and fruit gardens collect entrance tickets as well as pre-list prices. Tickets to the fruit garden are usually only 30,000 – 100,000 VND with many utilities such as eating on the spot, incentives when ordering more dishes at the garden, …

Besides, the attractions are often located quite close to each other, so take advantage of that to plan a combination of going to many places in the day to save time and money for the trip.

Revealing 7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre - Con PhungCon Phung. Photo: mee_mi_daily

Top 7 famous tourist attractions no one can refuse

Up to now, when preparing to travel to Ben Tre , many of you still wonder what coconut land has to do with it. There are countless different suggestions to answer this question of visitors. But there is one thing in common, that this land will satisfy any visitor even the most fastidious because there are various types of tourism from eco-adventure to colorful forms of tourism. spirituality and religion. Besides, the blooming of amusement parks and entertainment areas with the combination of traditional and modern elements also makes Ben Tre tourist attractions more and more attractive. Grab your backpack right away and go to explore 7 beautiful check-in points below, you will definitely erase the original prejudice that Ben Tre only has coconuts and fruit gardens.

Revealing 7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre - Ben Tre tourist destinationFamous tourist destination in Ben Tre. Photo: metrip

1. Con Phung

Address: Tan Thach and Quoi Son communes, Chau Thanh district, Ben Tre and Tien Giang provinces.

Ideal time to visit: 7am to 6pm on weekdays.

Con Phung is definitely an indispensable place in the tourist map of Ben Tre for any visitor. Also known by locals as Tan Vinh island, Phung islet and Con Quy in Ben Tre are two of the famous quartet of spirits in the West, namely Long, Lan, Quy, and Phung.

Revealing 7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre - Peaceful countrysidePeaceful countryside scene at Con Phung. Photo: dulichmientay

Con Phung and Quy islet belong to 2 communes Tan Thach and Quoi Son, Chau Thanh district, Ben Tre province. This famous tourist island is surrounded by four rivers, so there are many interesting activities here from canoeing to enjoy the scenery on both sides of the river on a lovely bamboo canoe, weaving between interlaced canals, visiting Visit the traditional coconut candy factory to visit the famous Western fruit gardens, enjoy the sweet fruits that are in season or visit the traditional coconut candy factory, the cosmetics factory. turmeric from coconut, learn how to raise and obtain honey, then sip a few cups of tea, listen to ancient chants,… All these experiences make visitors extremely excited.

2. Con Quy

Address: Tan Thach and Quoi Son communes, Chau Thanh district, Ben Tre province and part of Tien Giang province.

Visiting time: from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays.

Con Quy, also known as Bien Quy island, is about 23 km from the center of Ben Tre city by river. Unlike Con Phung, which is a floating island in the middle of the Tien River, Quy isle is located along this tributary of the river carrying heavy alluvium.

Revealing 7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre - Con QuyCon Quy is peaceful and cool. Photo: vntrip

Coming to Quy island – a famous tourist destination in the West, you will feel like entering a different world, far from the bustling and noisy city, crowded with people to immerse yourself in the charming river scenery, live peaceful rural life in every song, song, and song, Don Ca Tai Tu. Here there are only wind and trees, below is the gentle ground and water creating a peaceful space.

Traveling to Quy island, in addition to relaxing and resting in the midst of nature, do not forget to participate in other fascinating river experiences no less than the journey at Phung Islet – 1 of  7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre  here. Please. Especially, do not miss the experience of rowing a dinghy, visiting the fruit garden on the dunes, riding a horse-drawn carriage, crossing a rickety coconut bridge, enjoying local traditional cuisine with delicious dishes such as pounded banana cake, flour soup cake. chopped, grilled snakehead fish, coconut worms bathed in fish sauce, etc. will definitely make you excited and nostalgic and don’t want to go there.

3. Cai Mon Fruit Garden

Address: Vinh Thanh commune, Cho Lach district, Ben Tre province

Visiting time: 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. weekdays.

Referring to Ben Tre is referring to coconut and fruit. Next to the immense coconut groves are fruit-laden orchards that have made the brand name of this famous Western tourist coordinate. If Tien Giang has Bay Kim fruit garden, Tra Vinh has Tan Quy island, Dong Nai has Long Khanh orchard, when talking about Ben Tre, many people will immediately think of Cai Mon.

Revealing 7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre - Durian and plumThe famous Cai Mon durian and plum. Photo: dulichmientay

This luxuriant year-round fruit garden is only about 5km from the center of Ben Tre city, known as the birthplace of delicious fruits and beautiful ornamental plants. In that season, the orchards here produce rows and layers of sweet and ripe fruits that are enough to attract tourists from all over the world.

What makes tourists like the most in this garden is the fruit ripening naturally, without any medicine. Moreover, each fruit is firm and sweet, making everyone want to try it right away. According to the experience of local people, the time when the fruit trees are at their most ripe is around June and July. This is also the peak tourist period that makes Cai Mon welcome tourists the most.

Revealing 7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre - Fruit paradiseFruit heaven. Photo: feli_capa

Because this is the time when hundreds and thousands of trees bear fruit of all kinds, eye-catching colors, displaying fresh colors and ripe beauty in front of your eyes. Each orchard here is usually arranged in an inner and outer ring with the corresponding fruit tree for each ring. Remember not to be afraid to walk around and go deeper inside to discover many kinds of fruit trees that you rarely have the opportunity to see the whole tree – leaves – fruits at the same time such as sapodilla, breast milk, durian, mangosteen …

4. Vam Ho Bird Sanctuary

Address: My Hoa and Tan Xuyen hamlets, Ba Tri district, Ben Tre province.

Opening hours: weekdays.

Vam Ho bird sanctuary , as the name suggests, opens up in front of visitors a large space with thousands of different birds from storks, cauldrons, le le, white herons, gongs,… especially species storks with all kinds of storks flying, white beans in the forest. Every time there is a strong noise, the scene becomes more lively and joyful when the flocks of storks are alarmed, soaring like arrows with long wings, the cry reverberates throughout the sky, creating a scene. The statue is both peaceful and magnificent in front of visitors.

Revealing 7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre - Come to Vam Ho bird sanctuaryComing to Vam Ho bird sanctuary, you will have a refreshing experience. Photo: Kinhhiemdulich

Not only making you overwhelmed and dizzy with a huge number of birds, Vam Ho bird sanctuary – 1 of 7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre  is also a favorite short-term tourist destination of tourists when visiting Ben Tre because There are many interesting activities here. After sightseeing, sightseeing and enjoying the wonderful symphony of hundreds of thousands of birds, spend a little more time crossing the rickety bamboo bridges connecting the two green canals or boarding a canoe. small, sitting quietly watching people rowing canoe weaving through the pristine mangrove forests and still a bit mysterious. In addition, you can also choose to sit close to the heart of a countryside that is close but far, but far but close to Ben Tre.

Revealing 7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre - Birds take offBirds take off. FB photo of Vam Ho Bird Sanctuary

5. Lang Be tourist area

Address: My An hamlet, An Khanh commune, Chau Thanh district, Ben Tre province.

Opening hours: 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. weekdays.

Be village is not only the name used to refer to the place where there is a tradition of rafting fish but also known to tourists throughout the country as a famous eco-tourism area in Ben Tre. With the advantage of cool year-round weather, it is also covered with luxuriant trees and gardens, so no matter what season you choose to visit Lang Be, you do not have to worry about the harsh climate. Especially in the summer, this is the perfect place for you to play, entertain and avoid the sun!

Revealing 7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre - Monkey bridge in Lang BeDon’t forget to check in to the monkey bridge in Lang Be. Photo: Fanpage of Lang Be Tourist Area

Any visitor who has ever come here, even once, will feel drawn in among many extremely interesting experiences, from sports games with a bit of adventure such as monkey bridge, coconut boat swing, cycling across the river… to highly team games such as slapping ditches to catch fish, rowing canoe racing, wading in mud, swinging ropes, etc. All promises to create moments of refreshing fun for you. and his teammates.

Revealing 7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre - Pretty picturesLovely picture. Photo: Fanpage of Lang Be Tourist Area

After you are tired from exercising a lot, enjoy the time to rest and eat with many delicious and rustic dishes at extremely affordable prices such as porridge – chicken salad, grilled snakehead fish. , grilled shrimp with salt and pepper, sour fish soup, shrimp with coconut rim,… ok

Revealing 7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre - Banana damBanana smash. Photo: vntrip

6. Phu An Khang eco-tourism area

Address: 319 Phu Loi Hamlet, Binh Phu Commune, Ben Tre City, Ben Tre Province

Revealing 7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre - Phu An KhangPhu An Khang. Photo: Nguyen Dong

Phu An Khang eco-tourism area is one of the tourist spots near Saigon with many interesting experiences for those who have fallen in love with Ben Tre coconut land.

Revealing 7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre - Koi AquariumKoi pond in Phu An Khang. Photo: Nguyen Dong

If you have the opportunity to set foot here, do not miss the “nail” activities here such as visiting the fruit garden in the resort, canoeing, recreational fishing, blindfolded catching ducks, slapping ditches to catch shrimp and fish. , go fishing or if you like to cook, you can choose to participate in pouring pancakes, making rice paper, smashing bananas, baking bananas, making coconut candies…

Revealing 7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre - BarbecueBarbecue in Phu An Khang. Photo: Nguyen Dong

7. Minh island

With a special geographical position, Minh Isle – 1 of 7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre is filled with alluvium from Ham Luong and Co Chien rivers all year round, so the land here is very fertile and nurturing. nourish lush, fruit-laden fruit trees. The rice fields, coconut groves and fruit orchards such as jackfruit, durian, rice, sugarcane, rambutan, pomelo… are luxuriant and green in the eyes.

Revealing 7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre - Cu Lao MinhCu Lao Minh is an area where many coconut trees are grown. Photo: dulichmientay

Today, Minh isle is not only the largest and most famous coconut granary because it specializes in growing coconuts – a fruit associated with the land of Ben Tre, but also an attractive Western tourist destination. Because when you come here, you can not only immerse yourself in the green nature of the idyllic countryside, relax and rest in a peaceful setting, but also participate in very interesting games. Moreover, you can also enjoy the specialties of Ben Tre from fruits, sweet coconuts to special Ben Tre delicacies at the restaurant in the resort. Besides, you can also buy handicrafts to bring back as gifts for relatives, friends and colleagues after the trip at extremely affordable prices.

Revealing 7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre - Tep rangRoasted shrimp is a dish reminiscent of childhood in the garden. Photo: dulichbuibentre

After discovering and experiencing interesting and unique tourist activities at 7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre, you have certainly found the answer to the question of what to do and where to play in Ben Tre. then it’s fine. Immediately save the above interesting destinations and quickly plan your upcoming Western travel journey with family and friends. Wish you have a happy trip to coconut land and good luck!

Photo: Internet

7 beautiful check-in points in Ben Tre attract tourists from all over the world

Source: vinlove